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Overweight Children
Information for parents to help and support overweight children, including causes, diagnosis, providing help through support and good attitudes about eating, and a list of recommended books.
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Child Health
This web site has information for parents and children about infections, behaviour and emotions, food and fitness, and growing up healthy. Games and animations are used to illustrate health points.
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Child Health Guide
Information about immunizations, physical growth, high blood pressure, vision and hearing, safety, and other child health topics.
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Diseases and Illnesses
Provides information about a wide range of diseases and illnesses in children, listed in alphabetical order from A through Z.
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Medical Links
The web site of the Canadian Paediatric Society provides information on child health, including the latest information on treatments, vaccinations, programs for Native children and immigrant children.
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Childhood Cancer and Support
The web site of the Canadian Cancer Society discusses what to do when your child has cancer, including telling the child, talking with and supporting the child, and getting the appropriate services and supports.
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Heart Smart
Read about the Bogalusa Heart Study, called "Heart Smart", that is the longest and most detailed study of children's risk for coronary heart disease in the world.
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Learning Disabilities Association of Canada
The web site of the Learning Disabilities Association of Canada with resources and extensive web connections to many learning disabilities topics, including early identification, interventions, and advocacy.
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Includes many resources about attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), including what it is, what causes and does not cause it, educational options, treatments, medical management, and controversial interventions.
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Education of Children Who are Exceptional
The Council of Exceptional Children's web site that includes links to many different aspects of special education and issues involving children who are exceptional.
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Piaget and Education
A brief introduction to Piaget and the education of young children with related links to further information.
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Piagetian Principles and Education I
The principles of Piaget are applied to learning at each of the stages of cognitive development, with specific strategies and ideas described.
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Piagetian Principles and Education II
This excerpt from the 8th U.S. edition of Santrock's Life-Span Development text (p. 285-286) describes practical applications of Piaget's theory for the classroom.
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Memory Links
Explore many different aspects of memory including working memory, remembering how and why, forgetting, memory games, and other topics.
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This article mainly involves an interview with Robert Siegler, a leading expert on children's information processing. In the interview, Siegler discusses the importance of strategies in processing information.
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Critical Thinking Resources
Extensive links to information about critical thinking, including a brief history of the concept, recommended readings, basic questions and answers, and many critical thinking resources.
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Schools for Thought
The web site for Schools of Thought with information about Fostering a Community of Learners and other innovative educational programs for children.
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Sternberg's Theory
Consists of an article, "What is 'successful' intelligence?" written by Sternberg. Discusses educational applications of his triarchic theory of intelligence.
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Multiple Intelligences Links
Extensive links to web sites with information about Gardner's multiple intelligences view, including Gardner's recent conceptualization of an eighth intelligence (naturalist), how technology can be used to enhance multiple intelligences, and Gardner's personal web site.
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Cultural Bias and Testing
The Search ERIC Database web site. Type in the words "cultural bias and testing" and you will be able to examine a larger number of articles on the topic.
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Teresa Amabile's Research
Teresa Amabile, a leading researcher in creativity, discusses her current research interests and lists her publications.
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Csikszentmihalyi's Ideas
This article by Csikszentmihalyi presents his thoughts on education.
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Harvard Project Zero
Project Zero's mission is to enhance learning, thinking, and creativity in the arts and other disciplines. This web site describes the Project's current directions and research, which include creativity and leadership, art works for schools, a visual thinking curriculum, an education and arts project, and Arts Propel, which involves an integration of teaching and assessment.
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Reading Research
Research from the National Institute of Child Health Development addresses why children succeed or fail at reading.
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Life-Span DevelopmentOnline Learning Center

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