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Chapter Objectives
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At the end of this chapter, you should be able to:

Discuss the development of identity proposed by Erikson and Marcia

Examine how family, culture and ethnicity, and gender influence adolescent development

Describe how families change as adolescents seek autonomy, being sure to include factors related to parent-adolescent conflict

Elaborate on the changes that take place with peer groups and the importance of friendships

Discuss adolescent dating, including the functions of dating and dating scripts

Define “rite of passage” and examine its importance in this culture and other cultures around the world

Determine what role ethnicity and socioeconomic status play in adolescent development in this country.

Differentiate between assimilation and multiculturalism, indicating how these concepts impact the development of an ethnic identity

Discuss the nature, causes, and intervention strategies of adolescent criminal behaviour

Discuss the nature, causes, and interventions for teenage depression and suicide

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