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Identity Development
Many aspects of identity, including parenting styles and identity, ethnic identity development, and gender and identity development are examined; various aspects of self-esteem also are discussed.
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The Society for Research on Identity Development
This professional organization is devoted to theory, research, and applications in improving our understanding of identity formation.
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Identity Development in Literature
Novels are explored for their insights about adolescent identity development, especially those of Robert Cormier.
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Exploring Ethnic Identities
This web site provides information on ethnicity with reference to specific American identities.
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Cultural Identity in Canada
At this web site, you can read about multiculturalism in Canada and how Canadians define their cultural identity.
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An Adolescent Talks about Ethnic Identity
This article discusses the development of an ethnic identity from the perspective of an adolescent.
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Ethnic Identity Research
Put in the key words "Ethnic Identity Research" in the ERIC web site.
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WCAR: World Conference against Racism
Based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, this web site provides global information related to equality, justice, and dignity for all people.
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Parent-Adolescent Relationships
Information about three programs designed to improve parent-adolescent relationships is provided.
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Parenting Today's Adolescents
This web site provides advice for parents of adolescents; includes a question of the week and its answer as well as many resources such as book and links to related web sites.
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Parent-Adolescent Conflict
Explore what to do when adolescents are defiant, disrespectful, angry, drink, hang out with the wrong crowd, and engage in other behaviours that can contribute to parent-adolescent conflict.
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Re-engaging Families with Adolescents
The Carnegie Council of Adolescent Development web site on strengthening parents' roles during the early adolescent years, balancing work and family life, and other topics.
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Families as Asset Builders
The Search Institute's web site on families that focuses on strategies for strengthening adolescents' relationships with their families.
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Canadian Parents
The Government of Canada guide to services for children and their families includes information on child health, safety, and nutrition, educational resources, tax benefits, and special needs services.
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Child and Family Canada
The Child and Family Canada web site provides public education and resources for children and families on a variety of topics.
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Adolescent Peer Relationships
Profiles of the importance of peer groups in adolescence, cliques, peers and parents, peer pressure, peer statuses, and dating are presented.
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Peer Pressure
Examine various dimensions of peer pressure, including its positive aspects and how to handle it.
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The Nature of Identity
This essay on character development discusses the psychological changes that trigger identity crises and moral conflicts in adolescents, as they interact in complex ways with family and peers in today's world.
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Child and Family Canada: Adolescents
A collection of articles from Child and Family Canada relevant to adolescent development.
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Bullying I
This web site created by a Canadian teacher and students, is a resource for children and adults alike.
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Bullying II
Visit CBC to preview the National programme Bullies.
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Dating and Romantic Relationships
Teen Voices Online includes a chat room where adolescent girls can write about their lives and concerns; a number of the entries involve seeking advice about romance, dating and sex.
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Teen Chat
On this web site you can examine what adolescents have to say about dating, romance, and love.
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Migration and Ethnic Relations
An excellent resource for learning more about migration and ethnic relations with links to many related web sites.
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Immigration and Ethnicity: Research Centers
Links are provided to leading research centres around the world that conduct studies pertaining to immigration and ethnicity.
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Immigrant Families
This Government of Canada document includes services and information for immigrant families with children.
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World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSP)
This web site describes projects around the world concerned with sustainable development.
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National Youth Summit
A report from the National Youth Summit 2002 on positive youth development.
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International Youth Summit
A statement on the International Youth Summit of 2001, including a final declaration and plan of action.
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Earth Summit
News and reports from Earth Summit 2002 in Johannesburg, South Africa.
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Youth Source Book on Sustainable Development
This book describes youth participation in global decision- making processes related to sustainable development.
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The McCreary Centre Society
The McCreary Centre Society is committed to improving the health of British Columbia youth through research, information, and community-based participation projects.
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Adolescent Depression
Explore numerous ideas about the nature of depression in adolescence; includes some recommended books on adolescent depression.
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Extensive links to web resources for learning more about the suicide are provided; includes connections to sites on suicide prevention, facts for families, the U.S. National Institute of Health, and many resources.
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Youth Risk Behaviours
National data on various youth risk behaviours can be explored at this web site.
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Treating Adolescent Problems
The web site of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry with information about psychotherapy for adolescents.
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Department of Justice
Information on all aspects of justice, including youth justice, for Canada.
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Federation of Canadian Municipalities
This national organization promotes strong, effective, and accountable municipal government across Canada.
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