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Chapter Objectives
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At the end of this chapter, you should be able to:

Discuss the criteria for becoming an adult

Elaborate on the transition from high school to college or university

Explain the changes in physical development that occur during early adulthood

Explain the causes of and concerns about obesity, and then discuss the issues surrounding dieting and exercise

Explore the issue of substance abuse in the college population

Define addiction and explain the two models of addiction

Discuss sexual orientation—homosexual, heterosexual, bisexual—and the impact of sexual orientation on identity

Discuss the attitudes and behaviours associated with sexual orientation

Describe the sexually transmitted diseases prevalent among young adults, and discuss ways to protect against them

Elaborate on the factors associated with rape and sexual harassment

Address the ways in which cognition changes during early adulthood

Explain the changes that take place in creativity in early adulthood and ways to encourage it

Indicate the development changes that take place in career choices, and describe Holland’s career-related personality types

Explain the process of choosing a career and what employers look for

Discuss the importance of work and how it shapes the identity of the young adult

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