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Web Links
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Transition to College or University Study in Canada
Web site of Campus Access that provides information for successfully making the transition to college or university, including home pages of Canadian colleges and universities, and strategies for saying goodbye and preparing to go.
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Connections to numerous web sites on obesity. Explore such topics as causes and consequences of obesity, weight management, and medical treatment.
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Heredity and Obesity
Examine various causes of obesity, including heredity.
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Calculate Your BMI
Calculate body mass index and assess the risks associated with overweight and obesity.
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Calculate Your BMR
Tables, with metric conversions, to calculate BMR and determine daily caloric requirements based on total energy expended.
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Clearinghouse for Drug Information
Includes the latest research, resources, links to other web sites, and alcohol/drug facts.
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Smoking/Tobacco Control
The U.S. National Cancer Institute web site with questions and answers about cigarette smoking and cancer.
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Smoking Cessation
Examine a number of different techniques that can be used to quit smoking.
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Extensive information about alcoholism, includes topics such as friends and family, health, organizations, college and university student drinking, support groups, and treatment.
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Drinking on Campus
Research report on comparison of college and university students' drinking habits in the U.S. and Canada.
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Human Sexuality
The web site of the Kinsey Institute at the U. of Indiana. Has a number of links to sexuality topics.
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Lesbian and Gay Issues
The web site of the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network that includes a resource library.
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Sexuality Education Resources Centre (SERC)
The web site of SERC providing information and services about sexuality and reproductive health issues.
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Health Care Information Resources: STDs
This web site has a description of STDs, a sexual health glossary, condom use information, STD statistics, and links to related web sites.
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Health Canada: STD Update
This Health Canada web site has all the recent reports on STDs in Canada.
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HIV InfoWeb
A wide range of information about HIV/AIDS is provided, including prevention and treatment.
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Center for AIDS Prevention Studies
Explore various prevention studies, such as the Young Asian Men's Study. Links to other HIV/AIDS web sites included.
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HIV/STD Education
Emphasis is given to HIV/AIDS and STD awareness. Peer educators and facts sheets are discussed.
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Signs of HIV Infection in Females
This article by the coordinator of the New Jersey Women and AIDS Network describes some possible indicators of HIV infection in females.
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Health Canada: Health Factors
This Health Canada web site on healthy living has information on the various factors that affect health.
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Sexual Assault
Explore a wide range of sexual assault topics, such as acquaintance rape, counselling, domestic violence, prevention, and other related areas.
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Sexual Harassment
Examine many aspects of sexual harassment, such as how to avoid it, counselling, sexual harassment at work and school, and resources.
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What is Dating Violence?
This Health Canada article defines dating violence, discusses myths, warning signs, and where to get help.
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This article by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi focuses on his ideas about education.
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First Nations Art
Contemporary Native artists in Canada are listed alphabetically with a biography of each artist, including exhibitions and collections.
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Holland's Personality Types
At this web site, you can read about Holland's six personality types and their links to various careers. You can find out which personality types characterize you and how they might match up with potential careers.
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National Life / Work Centre
This Canadian web site is designed to help people find satisfying and fulfilling work and lifestyles in today's labour market.
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Career Planning
Career planning information and activities with 19 sessions supported by interest and aptitude tests, and other career information resources.
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Work InfoNet
This web site is a gateway to electronic career, educational, and labour market information in Canada.
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Blueprint for Life/Work Design
This Human Resources Development Canada project is designed to map out the life/work competencies Canadians need to manage the career-building process.
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Occupational Outlook
Every two years, this handbook predicts what the job outlook in various careers will be like in the future. The 2000-2001 handbook went online in February, 2000.
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Career and Job Hunting Resources
Includes a job skills quiz, career tutorials, resume resources, and many other aspects of successful career development and job hunting.
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What Colour is Your Parachute?
The leading trade book in the job hunting market. The book is updated annually. At this web site, you can read about different aspects of the job hunt and link up with career information.
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Job Interviewing
Covers types of job interviews, keys to success at job fairs, job interview questions and answers, interviewing tips, and common mistakes in job interviewing.
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Work/Family Issues
Explore such topics as child care issues and strategies for managing work and family.
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Conference Board of Canada
Provides news and reports, based on applied research, on a variety of consumer, public policy, and organizational topics and issues.
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Life-Span DevelopmentOnline Learning Center

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