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Chapter Objectives
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At the end of this chapter, you should be able to:

Discuss continuity and discontinuity from childhood to adulthood

Address how temperament and attachment influence adulthood

Elaborate on the factors that motivate attraction

Discuss Erik Erikson’s sixth stage of cognitive development

Define the three levels of relationship maturity

Indicate ways in which adults balance intimacy and independence

Differentiate between romantic love and affectionate love, then explain Sternberg’s triangular theory of love

Discuss friendship and related gender differences

Define loneliness and ways to decrease it

Describe the stages of the family life cycle

Explain recent marital trends and how the view of marriage differs throughout the world

Elaborate on marital myths, what makes marriages work, and the benefits of a good marriage

Discuss gender differences in expectations for marital relationships

Explain the expectations of parenting and common parenting myths

Elaborate on the diversity of adult lifestyles

Address how women develop during early adulthood

Address how men develop during early adulthood

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