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Web Links
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Adult Attachment
Explore Hazen and Shaver's research on links between adult attachment styles and attachment history.
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Web connections to many sites with information about couple relationships.
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Emotionally Focused Therapy
This web site describes EFT, and provides information on training, materials, research, news, and references related to EFT.
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Intimate Relationships
Explore intimacy in dating relationships, both heterosexual and homosexual.
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Ellen Berscheid's Research
The personal web site of leading love researcher, Ellen Berscheid. Includes her theoretical and research interests, along with representative publications.
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Love, Health, Brain, Career
This web site has a variety of interactive psychological tests and career profiles, mind quizzes, and aptitude tests.
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Centre for Research in Women's Studies and Gender Relations
This web site describes the academic programs, staff, events, resources, and related links for the GRWSGS at UBC.
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Judith Wallerstein
The nine psychological tasks necessary for a good marriage are presented at this web site.
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The Counselling Centre at the U. of Illinois provides some good strategies for making friends in college.
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Sternberg's Love Triangle
This article describes Sternberg's three components of love, eight types of love, and has a link to Sternberg's Test for Love.
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The Counselling Centre at the U. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign examines misconceptions about loneliness, what to do about loneliness, strategies for developing friendships, and developing yourself.
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Extensive links to information about many aspects of shyness, including books on shyness and a discussion of shyness in the Encyclopedia of Mental Health.
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Journal of Family Psychology
A leading journal published by the American Psychology Association. At this web site, you can read selected recent articles from the journal.
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Marriage and Family Therapy
At this web site you can link up with the Journal of Marital & Family Therapy. Marital and family resources are described.
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Marriage Support
Explore strategies for solving marital problems and improving relationship skills.
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John Gottman's Ideas
Leading researcher on marital relationships, John Gottman elaborates on his thoughts about what makes a marriage work.
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Psychological Aspects of Divorce
Covers many divorce topics, from dating and the single parent to the effects of divorce on children to divorce transitions.
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Divorced and Remarried Parents
Explore effective communication skills in divorced and remarried families
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Remarried Adults' Resources
Provides a number of resources for improving life in a stepfamily
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Stepfamily Interventions
Leading stepfamily researcher, James Bray, talks about the interventions that work in stepfamilies.
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Equal Marriage
This web site promotes marriage as a 50-50 partnership and stresses the importance of equality with information, resources, and related web links.
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Gay and Lesbian Relationships
The web site of the Partners Task Force for Gay & Lesbian Couples. Covers a wide range of topics in gay and lesbian relationships.
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Gender and Communication
Deborah Tannen's personal web site, which includes a number of articles she has selected for reading further about gender and communication.
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Women's Issues
The web site of the Psychology of Women, Division 35 of the American Psychological Association, with information about the division, including student membership.
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Gender and Society
Extensive information about gender and society with an emphasis on the woman's role.
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The Men's Bibilography
An extensive web site with connections to a wide range of information about male development and issues.
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Psychological Study of Men and Masculinity
The web site of The Society for the Psychological Study of Men and Masculinity, Division 51 of the American Psychological Association, with information about the division's activities, including a newsletter, links to other web sites on men and masculinity, and a task force on adolescent boys.
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Male Issues
Read about a wide range of issues involving males; includes links to a number of related topics, such as men's health, single fathers, and other topics.
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A Male Depression: Terrence Real
A brief article on male depression by Terrence Real contrasting it with female depression.
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