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Network on Successful Mid-life Development
The McArthur Foundation's network on mid-life, which describes the research on middle age being funded by the foundation.
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Exploring Middle Age
Read middle-aged columnist Mike Bellah insights about middle adulthood. Includes several Baby Boomer quizzes. Generation X, mid-life moments life's in-betweens, the single life in middle adulthood, making marriages last, and many more humorous, thoughtful insights.
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Women's Health Network
A web site for sharing information, resources, and strategies for improving women's health.
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Men's Health Network
Explores such topics as andropause, cholesterol, depression, migraine, and obesity.
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Health and Wellness
Health Canada has publications and information related to several important health issues.
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Health Canada
The Health Canada web site provides information and resources on all aspects of healthy living for Canadians.
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Behavioural Medicine
Examine a number of behavioural medicine topics such as psychological factors in heart disease, pain, and other aspects of health.
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Controlling Anger and Developing Life Skills
Leading researcher in the area of anger and coronary disease, Redford Williams, discusses his life skills approach to a healthier life in middle adulthood.
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Anger Management
This article describes what anger is, its effect on personal relationships, and its effective management.
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Alternative Health Practices
Different types of complementary and alternative health care practices are described at this Canadian Health Network site.
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Healthy Immunity
This web site provides current research findings on immunology and nutrition, and strategies to keep the immune system healthy.
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Indigenous Health Practices
Information about traditional "Indian medicine," including where to go, who to see, and what to expect.
( http://aboriginal_peoples-autochtones/10e.html )
Menopause: Information and Resources
Extensive information on a wide range of topics on menopause. Read about medical news, join discussion groups, and link up with other related sites.
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Canadian Women's Health Network
A web site for sharing information, resources, and strategies for improving women's health.
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Medline: Middle Age Sexuality
Read some general overviews of middle age sexuality and some strategies for males that can help them cope more effectively with sexual problems.
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Mid-life Male Hormone Changes
Several physicians and psychologists discuss the psychological dimensions of male menopause.
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Health Central
This web site has articles and information from experts on a variety of health-related topics.
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University of Toronto Sexual Education Centre
This web site presents the services of the universities Sexual Education Centre, topics on sexuality and relationships, and related web sites.
( http://www.campuslife.utoronto/ca/services/sec )
K. Warner Schaie
Visit the home page of K. Warner Schaie, one of the leading experts in cognitive development and aging. Includes a listing of some of his research citations.
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Mid-life Baby Boomer Characteristics
Many baby boomers are now entering middle age. Read about some of the characteristics and interests of this cohort.
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Is It Time To Change Jobs?
This article by the American Association of Retired Persons explores a number of questions about whether it is the right time to change jobs.
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Women and Work in Mid-career
Explores the challenges and barriers that women face in their work and careers during middle age.
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Balancing Work and Life
The web site of the BC Council for Families has articles, resources, and web links related to balancing work and life and establishing family-friendly workplaces.
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Exploring the Psychology of Religion
Michael Nielsen's web site is the most extensive one available on the psychology of religion. This is a good web site to start with in exploring the psychology of religion.
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Knowledge Network: History & Culture
This web site has a program list, program highlights, and related links on the history and culture of Canada.
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Psychology of Religion Journals
Read about a range of journals that include articles about the psychology of religion.
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Christianity and Culture
This web site is maintained by Dr. Ian Ritchie who writes for the Faith Page of the Winnipeg Free Press. There are several links related to religion and culture.
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Mental Health, Religion, and Culture
Explore the citations or a number of studies on mental health, religion, and culture.
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