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Cognitive Psychology Laboratory
Visit the web site of Duke University's cognitive psychology lab and read about research on selective attention and aging, and on neuroimaging and age-related cognitive changes.
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Timothy Salthouse's Research
The personal web site of Timothy Salthouse, a leading expert on cognition and aging; describes his research interests and provides a list of selected publications.
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Fredda Blanchard-Field's Research
The personal web site of Fredda Blanchard-Fields, a leading expert on social cognition and aging; read about her research interests and publications.
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Age Discrimination in Employment
Explore a number of questions on age discrimination in employment, including information about what can be done about it.
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Exploring Mandatory Retirement
Issues related to mandatory retirement are examined, including whether people can be forced into retirement because of their age.
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Working Options
Read about changing jobs, refocusing skills, becoming more motivated at work, overcoming age barriers, and pursuing life-long learning.
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Volunteering and Older Adults
Learn more about how older adults can participate in volunteering.
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The web site of the Canadian Association of Retired Persons (CARP) provides extensive information about work and retirement in older adults.
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Exploring Retirement
Includes a guide to retirement, financial planning, paths to successful retirement, and retirement lifestyles.
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Baby Boomers and Retirement
Read about an AARP survey of baby boomers' expectations for retirement, including their optimism and ambivalence.
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Health and Retirement
Provides information about health and retirement in old age, including extensive lists of publications and working papers based on a health and retirement longitudinal study.
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Dementia Web
Learn about counselling and diagnosis in dementia, drug guidelines, and the Dementia Research Group.
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Exploring Dementia
Read in-depth articles on various aspects of dementia at this web site.
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Dementia Research and Treatment
Connections to dementia research groups at a number of universities are provided.
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Dementia Caregivers
Steven Zarit, a leading researcher in the mental health of caregivers for the elderly, describes research on this topic.
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Extensive connections to Alzheimer's disease web sites, including information about diagnosis, risk factors and prevention, treatments, and coping.
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Alzheimer's Resources
Explore a number of resources for information about a wide range of Alzheimer's disease topics at this web site.
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Alzheimer's Disease Education Centre
This web site is provided by the U.S National Institute of Aging. Many aspects of Alzheimer's disease are explained and you can find out about the referral of individuals who might possibly have Alzheimer's disease.
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Alzheimer Society of Canada
The latest information of Alzheimer's Disease, related dementias, caregiving, support, research, treatment, and programs.
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Multi-infarct Dementia
Explore the prognosis, treatment, and research being conducted on this dementia.
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National Parkinson Foundation
Read about recent research on Parkinson's disease, order publications on the disease, and find support groups online.
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World Parkinson Disease Association
Explores such topics as stages of the disease, new information about Parkinson's, and suggestions and tips for individuals with Parkinson's disease.
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Resources for Parkinson's Disease
Extensive research information about diverse aspects of Parkinson's disease is provided at this web site of the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.
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Stages in Parkinson's Disease
Five different stages of Parkinson's disease are outlined. Links to information about Parkinson's disease also are provided.
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Exploring Elder Abuse
Examine what elder abuse involves, types of elder abuse, and the emotional/psychological results of elder abuse.
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Elder Abuse Resources
Connections to a number of web sites with information about many aspects of elder abuse can be found at this web site.
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Spirituality and Health in Older Adults
The web site of the Center for the Study of Religion/Spirituality at Duke University, headed by Harold Koenig and Linda George. Read about recent findings in research conducted at the center, such as links of various aspects of religiosity to health.
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Life-Span DevelopmentOnline Learning Center

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