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Chapter Objectives
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At the end of this chapter, you should be able to:

Discuss Erikson’s eighth stage of psychological development and Robert Peck’s reworking of this final stage

Explain the life review process

Elaborate on the four theories of socioemotional development

Discuss the stereotyping of older adults

Indicate the policy issues we face in an aging society

Discuss how income changes for the elderly

Discuss the living arrangements of the elderly

Describe the aging couple, including marriage, dating, and sexuality

Explore aspects of grandparenting such as their satisfaction, their roles and styles, and changing characteristics

Describe how friendship changes, as we grow old

Elaborate on the importance of social support and social integration for older adults

Explain the roles of ethnicity, gender, and culture in aging

Describe the factors associated with holding a high position in a culture

Expound on the factors related to successful aging

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