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Activities Resources for Older Adults
Extensive links to activities older adults can participate in and organizations that they can join.
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Social Aging Resources
Extensive links to many aspects of social aging, including generational discussions, information networks, aging with dignity, and much more.
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Social Psychology of Aging
Explores historical aspects of aging, stereotypes of aging, social roles involving aging, and gender/ethnicity issues.
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Ageism Resources
Links to many resources involving ageism, including strategies for promoting positive images of older adults.
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Older Adults' Sexual Activity
An interview with Lisa Ade-Ridder, a professor at Miami University (Ohio), who has conducted research on sexuality in older adults. Provides insightful information about older adults' sexual and romantic lives.
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Today's Grandparent
This is an online resource that answers frequently asked questions about grandparenting, shares interesting stories about grandparenting, provides connections to associations pertaining to grandparenting, and gives advice to grandparents whose access to their grandchildren has been cut off.
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Foundations of Grandparenting
Gives answers to commonly asked questions about grandparenting, examines grandparent visitation, and has new articles about grandparenting.
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The Grandparent Network
Links to grandparenting information around the world, including the United States, Canada, England, and India.
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Adult Children and Their Elderly Parents
Explores the importance adult children providing support for their aging parents.
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Grandparents' Visitation Rights
Read about the laws in different U.S. states pertaining to grandparent visitation rights, books on this topic, cases, and journal articles.
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Older Adults and Their Families
Examine research on older adults in different types of families (married, widowed, divorced, never married) and how it affects their happiness. Also read about family caregiving at this site.
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Old Age Across Time and Cultures
Explore numerous aspects of older adults at different points in history and across different cultures.
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Successful Aging
Read about the increasing belief that is important to conceptualize aging as "successful aging" rather than aging being all decline.
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Growing Older Better and Longer
A positive look at older adults include information about what is takes to age successfully.
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Life-Span DevelopmentOnline Learning Center

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