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Web Links
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Human Genome Project
Explore many aspects of this fascinating, important project, which has the goal of mapping all of the genes in human DNA.
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Extensive links to wide range of evolution topics, including journals, books, academic departments and laboratories, organizations, and molecular evolution
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Evolution and Behaviour
Extensive links to information about a wide range of topics on evolution and behaviour.
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Evolutionary Psychology
Leda Cosmides and John Tooby examine in-depth the idea of evolutionary psychology, including psychology's past and present, adaptive problems, nature and nurture, and many other evolutionary psychology topics.
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Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology
Provides abstracts of chapters written by a number of leading evolutionary psychology experts; topics include mate choice, issue in evolutionary psychology and culture, moral behaviour, family violence, evolutionary cognitive psychology, and many other topics.
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Evolutionary Psychology Resources
Lots of links to information about a wide range of evolutionary psychology topics.
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Landmarks in the History of Genetics
Examine key events in the history of genetics beginning with Darwin's and Mendel's discoveries in the mid-nineteenth century.
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Heredity Resources
Extensive links to web sites with information about heredity, including U.S. and international research programs.
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Genetic Journals and News
Links to a number of journals with information about genetics, such as Nature, Journal of Genetic Counseling, and others, as well as news articles about genetics are provided.
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Genetic Disorders
Links provided to many web sites with information about a wide range of genetic disorders.
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Prenatal Testing and Down Syndrome
Guide for parents who are faced with prenatal tests. Includes links to web sites about Down Syndrome.
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Read about what amniocentesis is, its risks, the procedure, and many other aspects of amniocentesis.
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Obstetric Ultrasound
Explore many dimensions of obstetric ultrasound, such as why and when it is used in pregnancy. Images and videos of the fetus using obstetric ultrasound are included.
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Choronic Villus Sampling
Examine what this involves and alternatives to the procedure.
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Genetic Counselling
Includes educating and teaching resources, books, genetics and health news, journals, prenatal counseling, pediatric counseling, and other aspects of genetic counseling.
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Infertility Resources
Includes information about infertility treatments, products, professional services, education, and resources.
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Infertility Awareness Association of Canada
Visit this site for information on infertility in Canada
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Abecedarian Project
Read about the Abecedarian Project that is designed to intervene in the lives of children in low-income families.
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Genes and Parenting
A discussion of The Nurture Assumption by Judith Harris.
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Life-Span DevelopmentOnline Learning Center

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