 |  Economics, 6/e Stephen L. Slavin
SupplementsThe Supplement Package
In addition to the workbook, which is built in, Economics has a supplemental package to help students and instructors as they use the text.Instructor's Manual
Steve Slavin prepared the instructor's manual to give instructors ideas on how to use the text. The manual includes a description of the textbook's special features, a chapter-by-chapter discussion of material new to the sixth edition, and a rundown of chapter coverage to help instructors decide what they can skip.
In the sixth edition, the IM has undergone the most radical change. Until now it had consisted of answers to the workbook questions at the end of each chapter in the text, worksheets, and worksheet solutions. We've now added answers to the Questions for Thought and Discussion at the end of each chapter. And, Mark Maier, who has used the text for several editions, has added three new IM sections for each chapter-learning objectives, ideas for use in class, and homework questions and projects (including scores of very useful Web sites). The IM now provides a rich source of interesting ideas of classroom activities and discussion involving concepts and issues included in the text. 0072409096.Test Bank (Micro and Macro Versions)
The test bank, which Steve Slavin had updated and revised for each edition, had some 7,000 multiple-choice questions, fill-ins, and problems. Jim Watson has looked carefully at each of these, updating some, revising some, and dropping some. He then made up more than 1,000 new questions. To be quite frank, parts of Slavin's test bank had been getting somewhat stale, and Jim has greatly improved it. Micro: 007240907X. Macro: 0072409053.Teaching Transparencies
The most important graphs and tables from the text are reproduced as two-color transparencies. Use of these acetates will aid the instructor's classroom presentations and the students' understanding. 007240910X. Computerized Testing
The Micro and Macro test banks are available in computerized versions for PCs. Developed by the Brownstone Research Group, this state of the art software has the capability to create multiple tests, "scramble," and produce high-quality graphs. Micro Computerized TB: 0072409088. Macro Computerized TB: 0070388946. Web Site: www.mhhe.com/economics/slavin6
Some of the text's unique qualities are incorporated in a dynamic new Web site. Its remedial nature, with attention toward helping students further overcome math anxiety and graphing difficulties, will take on a self-help orientation for needy students. The quizzing practice offers questions not found in the Workbook or the Test Bank and serves to reinforce the material covered in every chapter. Instructors will find material from the IM and PowerPoints. Several sections, of interest to both instructors and students, provide useful and thought-provoking material and broaden understanding of the scope of economics. |