 |  Economics, 6/e Stephen L. Slavin
Table of ContentsChapter 1: A Brief Economic History of the United States 3- Introduction 3
- Part 1: The American Economy in the 19th Century 4
- Agricultural Development 4
- The National Railroad Network 7
- The Age of the Industrial Capitalist 7
- Part 2: The American Economy from 1900
through World War I
- Industrial Development 8
- Agricultural Development 9
- Part 3: The American Economy between the Wars 9
- The Roaring Twenties 9
- The Great Depression 10
- Part 4: From World War II to the Vietnam War 13
- The 1940s: World War II and Peacetime Prosperity 13
- The 1950's: The Eisenhower Years 17
- The Soaring Sixties: The Years of Kennedy and Johnson 17
- Part 5: From the Vietnam War to the Breakup
of the Soviet Empire 18
- The Sagging Seventies: The Stagflation Decade 18
- The 1980s: The Age of Reagan 19
- Part 6: To the Millennium and Beyond 20
- The Military 20
- Real Wages 20
- The State of American Agriculture 20
- Other Social and Economic Problems 22
- The "New Economy" of the Nineties 22
Chapter 2: Resource Utilization 29- Economics Defined 29
- The Central Fact of Economics: Scarcity 30
- Scarcity and the Need to Economize 30
- The Economic Problem 30
- The Four Economic Resources 30
- Opportunity Cost 33
- Full Employment and Full Production 33
- The Production Possibilities Frontier 37
- Productive Efficiency and Allocative Efficiency 41
- Economic Growth 41
- Appendix: The Law of Increasing Costs 53
Chapter 3: Supply and Demand 59- Demand 60
- Supply 61
- Equilibrium 62
- Surpluses and Shortages 62
- Shift in Demand and Supply 63
- Price Ceilings and Price Floors 67
- Applications of Supply and Demand 72
- Interest Rate Determination 72
- College Parking 74
- Price-Setting in the Soviet Union 74
- Low Wages in a High-Tech Economy 74
- The Rationing Function of the Price System 75
Chapter 4: The Mixed Economy 83- The Three Question of Economics 83
- What Shall We Produce? 84
- How Shall These Goods Be Produced? 84
- For Whom Shall the Goods Be Produced? 85
- The Invisible Hand, the Price Mechanism, and Perfect Competition 85
- The Invisible Hand 86
- The Price Mechanism 87
- Competition 87
- Equity and Efficiency 88
- The Circular Flow Model 88
- The Economic Role of Government 90
- Market Failure 91
- Externalities 91
- Lack of Public Goods and Services 92
- Capital 94
- Specialization and Its Consequences 96
- Specialization and Exchange 96
- Specialization and Alienation 97
- The "Isms": Capitalism, Communism, Fascism, and Socialism 98
- The Decline and Fall of the Communist System 102
- China: The Premier Communist Power 104
- Last Word: The Mixed Economy 106
Chapter 5: The Household-Consumption- Sector 111
- GDP and Big Numbers 111
- Consumption 112
- Saving 113
- Average Propensity to Consume (APC) 114
- Average Propensity to Save (APS) 115
- Marginal Propensity to Consume (MPC) 116
- Marginal Propensity to Save (MPS) 117
- Graphing the Consumption Function 118
- The Saving Function 121
- What the Consumer Buys 125
- Determinants of the Level of Consumption 126
- The Level of Disposable Income 126
- Credit Availability 127
- Stock of Liquid Assets in the Hands of Consumers 127
- Stock of Durable Goods in the Hands of Consumers 128
- Keeping Up with the Joneses 128
- Consumer Expectations 128
- The Permanent Income Hypothesis 129
- Determinants of the Level of Saving 129
- Why Do We Spend So Much and Save So Little? 130
- Total Saving: Individual Saving + Business Saving + Government Saving 132
Chapter 6: The Business-Investment Sector 139- Proprietorships, Partnerships, and Corporations 139
- The Proprietorship 139
- The Partnership 140
- The Corporation 140
- Stocks and Bonds 142
- Capitalization and Control 142
- The Business Population 143
- Investment 143
- How Does Savings Get Invested? 148
- Gross Investment versus Net Investment 149
- Building Capital 149
- The Determinants of the Level of Investment 150
- (1) The Sales Outlook 150
- (2) Capacity Utilization Rate 150
- (3) The Interest Rate 151
- (4) The Expected Rate of Profit 152
- Why Do Firms Invest? 153
- Graphing the C + I Line 154
- The Summing Up of Investment 155
Chapter 7: The Government Sector 163- Introduction: The Growing Economic Role of Government 163
- Government Spending 164
- Federal Government Spending 164
- State and Local Government Spending 167
- Government Purchases versus Transfer Payments 168
- Graphing the C + I + G Line 168
- Taxes 169
- The Average Tax Rate and the Marginal Tax Rate 169
- Types of Taxes 172
- Sources of Federal Revenue 175
- Conclusion 179
- Sources of State and Local Revenue 180
- The State and Local Fiscal Dilemma 181
- Comparison of Taxes in the United States and Other
Countries 181
- Two Principles of Taxation: Ability to Pay versus Benefits Received 183
- The Economic Role of Government 184
- Provision of Public Goods and Services 185
- Redistribution of Income 185
- Stabilization 185
- Economic Regulation 186
- Conclusion 186
Chapter 8: The Export-Import Sector 193- The Basis for International Trade 193
- U.S. Exports and Imports 194
- A Summing Up: C + I + G + Xn 199
- The World's Leading Trading Nations 200
- World Trade Agreements and Free Trade Zones 201
- Free Trade Zones 202
- World Trade Agreements 204
Chapter 9: Gross Domestic Product 211- What Is Gross Domestic Product? 211
- How GDP Is Measured 213
- The Expenditures Approach 213
- The Flow-of-Income Approach 214
- Two Things to Avoid When Compiling GDP 221
- Multiple Counting 221
- Treatment of Transfer Payments 221
- GDP versus Real GDP 222
- International GDP Comparisons 227
- Per Capita Real GDP 228
- Shortcomings of GDP as a Measure of National Economic Well-Being 232
- Production That Is Excluded 232
- Treatment of Leisure Time 234
- Human Costs and Benefits 234
- What Goes Into GDP? 236
- The Last Word on GDP 236
Chapter 10: Economic Fluctuations, Unemployment, and Inflation 243- Economic Fluctuations 243
- Is There a Business Cycle? 243
- Cycle Turning Points: Peaks and Troughs 245
- The Conventional Three-Phase Business Cycle 245
- Business Cycle Theories 246
- Endogenous Theories 246
- Exogenous Theories 248
- Business Cycle Forecasting 248
- The GDP Gap 250
- Unemployment 251
- The Problem 251
- How the Unemployment Rate Is Computed 252
- Types of Unemployment 256
- Natural Unemployment Rate 259
- Inflation 260
- Defining Inflation 260
- Deflation and Disinflation 261
- The Post-World War II History of Inflation 263
- The Construction of the Consumer Price Index 264
- Anticipated and Unanticipated Inflation: Who Is Hurt by Inflation and Who Is Helped? 266
- Theories of the Causes of Inflation 268
- Inflation as a Psychological Process 270
- Creeping Inflation and Hyperinflation 271
- Conclusion 272
Chapter 11: Classical and Keynesian Economics 279- Part I: The Classical Economic System 279
- Supply and Demand Revisited 281
- The Classical Equilibrium: Aggregate Demand Equals Aggregate Supply 283
- The Aggregate Demand Curve 284
- The Long-Run Aggregate Supply Curve 285
- The Short-Run Aggregate Supply Curve 286
- Part II: The Keynesian Critique of the Classical System 288
- Part III: The Keynesian System 291
- The Keynesian Aggregate Expenditure Model 292
- Disequilibrium and Equilibrium 294
- Aggregate Demand Exceeds Aggregate Supply 294
- Aggregate Supply Exceeds Aggregate Demand 296
- Summary: How Equilibrium Is Attained 296
- Keynesian Policy Prescriptions 296
Chapter 12: Fiscal Policy and the National Debt 303- Putting Fiscal Policy into Perspective 303
- Part I: The Deflationary Gap and the Inflationary Gap 304
- The Deflationary Gap 305
- The Inflationary Gap 306
- Part II: The Multiplier and Its Applications 307
- The Multiplier 307
- Applications of the Multiplier 309
- Part III: The Automatic Stabilizers 312
- Personal Income and Payroll Taxes 313
- Personal Savings 313
- Credit Availability 313
- Unemployment Compensation 313
- The Corporate Profits Tax 314
- Other Transfer Payments 314
- Part IV: Discretionary Fiscal Policy 316
- Making the Automatic Stabilizers More Effective 316
- Public Works 317
- Transfer Payments 317
- Changes in Tax Rates 317
- Changes in Government Spending 318
- Who Makes Fiscal Policy? 318
- Part V: The Deficit Dilemma 319
- Deficits, Surpluses, and the Balanced Budget 319
- Deficits and Surpluses: The Record 320
- Why Are Large Deficits So Bad? 321
- Will We Be Able to Balance Future Budgets? 322
- Part VI: The Proposed Balanced Budget Amendment and the Line Item Veto 324
- Part VII: The Public Debt 325
- Appendix: The Full-Employment Budget and the Crowding-Out and Crowding-In Effects 333
- The Full-Employment Budget 333
- The Crowding-Out and Crowding-In Effects 334
Chapter 13: Money and Banking 339- Money 340
- The Four Jobs of Money 340
- Medium of Exchange 340
- Standard of Value 340
- Store of Value 340
- Standard of Deferred Payment 341
- Money versus Barter 342
- Our Money Supply 342
- M1, M2, and M3 343
- Our Growing Money Supply 345
- The Demand for Money 345
- The Demand Schedule for Money 349
- The Liquidity Trap 350
- Determination of the Interest Rate 350
- Banking 353
- A Short History of Banking 353
- Modern Banking 355
- The Creation and Destruction of Money 360
- The Creation of Money 360
- The Destruction of Money 360
- Limits to Deposit Creation 360
- Bank Regulation 361
- Branch Banking and Bank Chartering 361
- The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 362
- The Savings and Loan Debacle 363
- Will the Commercial Banks Go the Way of the S&Ls? 365
Chapter 14: The Federal Reserve and Monetary Policy 373- The Federal Reserve System 373
- The Federal Reserve District Banks 374
- The Board of Governors 375
- Independence of the Board of Governors 376
- Legal Reserve Requirements 377
- Primary and Secondary Reserves 378
- Deposit Expansions 379
- How Deposit Expansion Works 379
- The Deposit Expansion Multiplier 379
- Cash, Checks, and Electronic Money 381
- The Tools of Monetary Policy 382
- How Open-Market Operations Work 382
- The Federal Open-Market Committee 384
- Discount Rate Changes 386
- Changing Reserve Requirements 387
- Summary: The Tools of Monetary Policy 389
- The Fed's Effectiveness in Fighting Inflation
and Recession 390
- The American Economy According to Chairman
Greenspan 391
- The Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act of 1980 393
- The Banking Act of 1999 394
- Fiscal and Monetary Policies Should Mesh 395
- Last Word 395
Chapter 15: Twentieth-Century Economic Theory 403- The Equation of Exchange 404
- The Quantity Theory of Money 405
- Classical Economics 407
- Keynesian Economics 408
- The Monetarist School 410
- The Importance of the Rate of Monetary Growth 410
- The Basic Propositions of Monetarism 411
- The Monetary Rule 412
- The Decline of Monetarism 413
- Supply-Side Economics 413
- The Saving and Investment Effect 414
- The Elimination of Productive Market Exchanges 415
- The Laffer Curve 415
- Rational Expectations Theory 417
- Are Wages Downwardly Flexible? 420
- Twenty-First Century Economic Theory 421
- The Supply-Side Revival 421
- The Economic Behaviorists 422
- Conclusion 423
- Appendix A: The Great Money Debate: The Keynesians versus the Monetarists 431
- Preliminary Debate 431
- Round 1: How Stable Is V? 432
- Velocity and Changes in the Money Supply 432
- How Stable Is Velocity in the Short Run? 432
- Round 2: The Transmission Mechanism 434
- Introduction 434
- The Keynesian View 435
- The Monetarist View 436
- Comparison of Keynesian and Monetarist Transmission Mechanisms 437
- Who Is Right? 438
- Round 3: Monetary Policy 438
- Fighting Recessions 438
- Fighting Inflations 439
- Round 4: A Question of Timing 440
- The Lags 440
- Fiscal Policy Lags 440
- Monetary Policy Lags 441
- Fiscal versus Monetary Policy: A Summing Up 442
- Appendix B: A Guide to Macropolicy 447
- Fighting Recessions 447
- Conventional Fiscal Policy 448
- Conventional Monetary Policy 448
- Two Policy Dilemmas 448
- Fighting Inflation 448
- Conventional Fiscal Policy 448
- Conventional Monetary Policy 448
- Fighting Inflationary Recessions: Two More Policy Dilemmas 449
- The Limits of Macropolicy 449
- Conclusion 450
Chapter 16: Economic Growth and Productivity 453- The Industrial Revolution and American Economic Development 453
- The Record of Economic and Productivity
Growth 455
- Factors Affecting Productivity Growth 456
- The Labor Force: Rising Quantity and Declining Quality 460
- The Average Workweek 461
- Our Declining Educational System 461
- The Permanent Underclass: Poverty, Drugs, and
Crime 462
- Restrictions on Immigration 463
- The Role of Technological Change 464
- Additional Factors Affecting Our Rate of Growth 465
- Conclusion 467
- The Productivity of Labor: An International
Comparison 468
- Economic Growth in the Less Developed
Countries 469
Chapter 17: Demand, Supply, and Equilibrium 479- Demand Defined 479
- Individual Demand and Market Demand 480
- Changes in Demand 481
- Increases in Demand 481
- Decreases in Demand 482
- Problems 482
- What Causes Changes in Demand? 486
- Supply Defined 487
- Individual Supply and Market Supply 488
- Changes in Supply 489
- What Causes Changes in Supply? 491
- Changes in the Cost of Production 491
- Technological Advance 491
- Prices of Other Goods 491
- Change in the Number of Suppliers 492
- Changes in Taxes 492
- Expectation of Future Price Changes 492
- Graphing the Demand and Supply Curves 492
- Graphing the Demand Curve 493
- Graphing the Supply Curve 495
- Equilibrium 496
- Finding Equilibrium Price and Quantity 498
- Last Word 500
Chapter 18: The Elasticities of Demand and Supply 507- The Elasticity of Demand 507
- Measuring Elasticity 508
- The Meaning of Elasticity 510
- Determinants of the Degree of Elasticity of Demand 514
- Advertising 517
- Elasticity and Total Revenue 519
- Elastic Demand and Total Revenue 519
- Inelastic Demand and Total Revenue 520
- Elasticity of Supply 520
- Tax Incidence 524
- Last Word 526
Chapter 19: Theory of Consumer Behavior 533- Utility 534
- What Is Utility? 534
- Marginal Utility 534
- Total Utility 535
- Maximizing Utility 536
- The Water-Diamond Paradox 537
- Consumer Surplus 539
- Last Word 542
Chapter 20: Cost 547- Costs 547
- Fixed Costs 548
- Variable Costs 548
- Total Costs 548
- Marginal Costs 548
- The Short Run and the Long Run 551
- The Short Run 551
- The Long Run 551
- The Decision to Shut Down 551
- The Decision to Go Out of Business 553
- Average Cost 554
- Average Fixed Cost 554
- Average Variable Cost 555
- Average Total Cost 555
- Graphing the AFC, AVC, ATC, and MC Curves 556
- Why Are the AVC and ATC Curves U-Shaped? 561
- The Law of Diminishing Returns 562
- Economies of Scale 563
- Diseconomies of Scale 565
- A Summing Up 566
- The Long-Run Planning Envelope Curve 566
Chapter 21: Profit Maximization 573- Total Revenue and Marginal Revenue 573
- Graphing Demand and Marginal Revenue 574
- Profit Maximization and Loss Minimization 575
- The Short-Run and Long-Run Supply Curves 580
- Derivation of the Firm's Short-Run and Long-Run Supply Curves 580
- Finding the Firm's Shut-Down and Break-Even Points 583
- A Summing Up 583
- Efficiency 586
- Review: Efficiency and Profit Maximization 587
- Final Word 589
Chapter 22: Perfect Competition 595- Definition of Perfect Competition 596
- The Perfect Competitor's Demand Curve 597
- The Short Run 598
- The Long Run 600
- Efficiency 605
- Economic and Accounting Profits 606
- Decreasing, Constant, and
Increasing Cost Industries 607
- Decreasing Costs and the Breakdown of Perfect Competition 608
Chapter 23: Monopoly 617- Monopoly Defined 618
- The Graph of the Monopolist 618
- Calculating the Monopolist's Profit 620
- Review the Monopolist's Economic Analysis 622
- The Monopolist in the Short Run and the Long Run 624
- Demand and Supply under Monopoly 625
- Are All Monopolies Big Companies? 625
- Barriers to Entry 625
- Limits to Monopoly Power 628
- Economies of Scale and Natural Monopoly 629
- When Is Bigness Bad? 632
- When Is Bigness Good? 633
- The Economic Case against Bigness 635
- Two Policy Alternatives 635
- Conclusion 636
Chapter 24: Monopolistic Competition 643- Monopolistic Competition Defined 643
- The Monopolistic Competitor in the Short Run 644
- The Monopolistic Competitor in the Long Run 645
- Product Differentiation 647
- The Typical Monopolistic Competitor 648
- Price Discrimination 650
- Is the Monopolistic Competitor Inefficient? 652
Chapter 25: Oligopoly 659- Oligopoly Defined 659
- Two Measures of the Degree of Oligopolization 660
- Concentration Ratios 660
- The Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI) 662
- The Competitive Spectrum 663
- Cartels 663
- Open Collusion 664
- Covert Collusion 666
- Price Leadership 667
- Cutthroat Competition 667
- Conclusion 670
- Last Word 672
- Appendix: The Four Types of Competition:
A Review 677
- Perfect Competition 677
- Monopoly 679
- Monopolistic Competition 680
- Oligopoly 681
- Perfect Competition versus Imperfect
Competition 682
Chapter 26: Corporate Mergers and Antitrust 687- A Historical Perspective on Corporate Concentration 687
- Antitrust 688
- The Political Background 688
- The Sherman Antitrust Act 689
- The Clayton Antitrust Act 690
- The Federal Trade Commission Act (1914) 691
- Modern Antitrust 692
- Partial Breakdown of the Rule of Reason 692
- The 60 Percent Rule 692
- Four Landmark Cases 693
- European Antitrust 694
- Types of Mergers 695
- Horizontal Mergers 695
- Vertical Mergers 695
- Conglomerate Mergers 696
- Deregulation 697
- How Effective Is Antitrust? 697
- The Trend Toward Bigness 700
Chapter 27: Demand in the Factor Market 707- Derived Demand 707
- Productivity 708
- Prices of Substitute Resources 708
- Marginal Revenue Product (MRP) 709
- Graphing the MRP 713
- The MRP of the Imperfect Competitor 715
- Changes in Resource Demand 717
- Changes in Resource Demand versus Changes in Quantity of Resource Demanded 717
- The Four Reasons for Changes in Resource Demand 718
- Optimum Resource Mix for the Firm 722
Chapter 28: Labor Unions 729- A Short History of the American Labor
Movement 729
- The Early Years 729
- Key Labor Legislation 730
- The Labor Movement since the New Deal 732
- The Economic Power of Labor Unions 736
- The Economic Power of Large Employers 736
- Collective Bargaining 738
- The Collective Bargaining Process 738
- The Collective Bargaining Agreement 740
- The Strike 741
- Averting Strikes: Mediation and Arbitration 743
- Have Unions Raised Wages? 744
Chapter 29: Labor Markets and Wage Rates 751- Income Disparity 751
- The Supply of Labor 752
- Noncompeting Groups 752
- The Theory of the Dual Labor Market 752
- The Backward-Bending Labor Supply Curve 753
- The Demand for Labor 755
- The Marginal Revenue Product Schedule 755
- Nonhomogeneous Jobs 756
- Graph of the Demand for Labor 757
- The Wage Rate: Supply and Demand 757
- High Wage Rates and Economic Rent 758
- Real Wages and Productivity 760
- Real Wages versus Nominal Wages 761
- The Minimum Hourly Wage Rate 763
- Should There Be a Minimum Wage Rate? 764
Chapter 30: Rent, Interest, and Profit 773- Rent 773
- What Is Land? 773
- How Is Rent Determined? 774
- Economic Rent 776
- Are Prices High because Rents Are High, or Are Rents High because Prices Are High? 777
- Interest 778
- What Is Capital? 778
- How Is the Interest Rate Determined? 778
- Interest Rates and Consumer Loans 779
- Determination of the Level of Investment 781
- The Net Productivity of Capital 782
- The Capitalization of Assets 783
- The Present Value of Future Income 784
- Profits 786
- How Are Profits Determined? 786
- How Large Are Profits? 787
- Theories of Profit 788
- Conclusion 790
Chapter 31: Income Distribution and Poverty 795- Income Distribution in the United States 796
- The Poor, the Middle Class, and the Rich 796
- Distribution of Wealth in the United States 799
- Distribution of Income: Equity and Efficiency 801
- What Determines Income Distribution? 802
- Mobility 806
- Poverty in America 806
- Poverty Defined 806
- Who Are the Poor? 808
- Child Poverty 810
- The Main Government Transfer Programs 812
- Theories of the Causes of Poverty 813
- The Conservative View versus the Liberal View 815
- Solutions 819
- Conclusion 823
Chapter 32: International Trade 829- Part I: A Brief History of U.S. Trade 830
- U.S. Trade Before 1975 830
- U.S. Trade Since 1975 830
- U.S. Government Trade Policy 832
- Part II: The Theory of International Trade 833
- Specialization and Trade 833
- Domestic Exchange Equations 834
- The Terms of Trade 835
- Absolute Advantage and Comparative Advantage 837
- The Arguments for Protection 842
- Tariffs or Quotas 846
- Conclusion 847
- Part III: The Practice of International Trade 849
- What Are the Causes of Our Trade Imbalance? 849
- What Can We Do? 852
- Part IV: Our Trade Deficit with Japan and China 854
- Japanese Trading Practices 855
- Our Trade Deficit with China 858
- Trading with China and Japan: More Differences than Similarities 858
- Final Word 859
Chapter 33: International Finance 867- The Mechanics of International Finance 867
- Financing International Trade 868
- The Balance of Payments 868
- Exchange Rate Systems 871
- The Gold Standard 872
- The Gold Exchange Standard, 1934-73 873
- The Freely Floating Exchange Rate System, 1973 to the Present 874
- How Well Do Freely Floating (Flexible) Exchange Rates Work? 878
- The Euro 878
- Running up a Tab in the Global Economy 880
- From Largest Creditor to Largest Debtor 880
- Living beyond Our Means 882
- Closing Word: Will Foreigners Soon Own America? 883
Glossary 891Index 901 |