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College Writing Skills, Media Edition, 5/e
John Langan, Atlantic Community College

Writing a Report

Writing On- and Offline


Activity 1: Summary and Evaluation

When writing a report, you should do more than summarize the article or book you've chosen as a subject, you should also evaluate the material; in other words, you should express your own response to it.

Directions: To gain a sense of how to review a text, visit the following book review sites and choose a review from each one. Write a short paragraph explaining why you've chosen the review and what you have learned from it.

Hungry Mind Review

New York Review of Books

The Village Voice

Book Magazine

New York Times Book Review


Activity 2: Book Review

Directions: Review your favorite book. Write an introduction, a one-paragraph summary, your reaction in well-developed paragraphs, and a brief conclusion. Don't make quotations too large a percentage of your review.