|  College Writing Skills, Media Edition, 5/e John Langan,
Atlantic Community College
Using the Library and the Internet
Key Termsbookmarkthe saved address of a URL to which you wish to return
call number a code indicating where a book or other item can be located in a librarys collection; the two primary systems of organization are the Library of Congress system and the Dewey decimal system
Internet a vast network that connects computers at tens of thousands of educational, scientific, government, and commercial agencies around the world
library catalog a list of all the holdings (books, periodicals, and other documents) available in a library; traditionally a file of cards arranged in drawers, catalogs today are typically computerized
modem a device that sends or receives electronic data over a telephone line. A personal computer needs a modem in order to connect to the Internet
periodicals magazines, journals, and newspapers (from the word periodic, which means "at regular periods")
periodicals index a listing of the articles in periodicals. Some of the most widely used are the Readers Guide to Periodical Literature, Magazine Index Plus, and Ebscohost
search directory an online listing of websites organized by categories (e.g., Yahoo)
search engine an online tool for finding websites that uses keywords to comb through the vast amount of information on the Web for sites or articles on particular topics (e.g., AltaVista)
URL Universal Resource Locator; the electronic "address" of a website (e.g., auth.mhhe.com)
World Wide Web a part of the Internet: a global information system that drew its name from the many links among sites that form a kind of "web"