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College Writing Skills, Media Edition, 5/e
John Langan, Atlantic Community College

Subjects and Verbs

Key Terms

auxiliary verbs
verbs that work with the main verb to make up the complete verb in a sentence; also called helping verbs. Ex.: The woman is working.

helping verbs
verbs that work with the main verb to make up the complete verb in a sentence; also called auxiliary verbs. Ex.: The woman is working.

linking verbs
verbs that help describe a subject by connecting it to another word. Ex.: The man is handsome.

one of a group of words that precede a noun or pronoun and indicate direction, position, placement, duration, or another kind of connection to the other words in the sentence. Exs.: about, above, through, under, with.

prepositional phrase
a group of words that begins with a preposition. Ex.: in the house.

who or what a sentence speaks about; usually a noun or pronoun that acts, is acted upon, or is described. Ex: The boy cries.

what the sentence says about the subject; a word that show what a subject does or that helps describe the subject by linking it to an adjective. Ex.: The boy cries.