|  College Writing Skills, Media Edition, 5/e John Langan,
Atlantic Community College
Pronoun Agreement and Reference
Key Termsindefinite pronouns a word that refers to people and things that are not named or are not specific. Many indefinite pronouns (e.g., one, nobody, nothing, each, etc.) take a singular verb; others, such as both or few, take plural verbs.
nouns words that name persons, places, or things
pronoun words that take the place of nouns; pronouns (literally "for a noun") are shortcuts that keep you from unnecessarily repeating words in writing
pronoun agreement correspondence in number between the pronoun and the noun it replaces. Ex.: Students enrolled in the art class must prove that they can paint.
pronoun reference the relationship between the pronoun and the noun in the sentence to which it refers. A sentence may be confusing if a pronoun appears to refer to more than one noun or does not appear to refer to any specific noun. Ex.: Miriam was annoyed when they failed her car for a faulty turn signal. (In this case, "they" should be replaced by a specific noun, such as "the inspectors.")