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College Writing Skills, Media Edition, 5/e
John Langan, Atlantic Community College

The First and Second Steps in Essay Writing

Writing On- and Offline


Activity 1: Begin with a Strong Thesis

Directions: Beginning with a strong thesis is an important first step. Practice developing a thesis that is neither too broad nor too narrow for each of the following subjects (general subject followed by limited subject). The first two have been completed for you.

General SubjectLimited SubjectThesis
Marriage Honeymoon A honeymoon is perhaps the worst way to begin a marriage.
Sports Players' salaries High players' salaries are bad for the game, for the fans, and for the values our children are developing.
1. Family Parents  
2. Television Sitcoms  
3. School Math teachers  
4. College Roommates  
5. Authority My boss  


Activity 2: Support Your Thesis with Specific Evidence

Directions: Supporting your thesis with specific evidence is an important second step in the process of writing an essay.

1. Practice this skill by finding an online review of one of your favorite movies. What is the author's thesis? How is the thesis backed up with specific evidence?

2. Do you agree or disagree with the reviewer's opinion? Structure your answer so that your own thesis and supporting detail are clear.