Learning Theories Skinner: Behavioral Analysis | |
Chapter Objectives
1. Discuss the contributions of E. L. Thorndike and J. B. Watson to Skinner’s
learning theory. |
2. Explain Skinner’s philosophy of science. |
3. Discuss the effects of positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, and punishment on behavior. |
4. Explain the differences between operant and classical conditioning. |
5. Describe the process of shaping. |
6. Identify and give examples of four different schedules of reinforcement. |
7. Distinguish between conditioned and generalized reinforcers. |
8. Discuss ways in which natural selection influences personality. |
9. Discuss Skinner’s views on inner states and complex behavior. |
10. List the methods of social control and self-control, according to Skinner. |
11. Explain Skinner’s approach to understanding the unhealthy personality. |