|  Microbiology, 5/e Lansing M Prescott,
Augustana College Donald A Klein,
Colorado State University John P Harley,
Eastern Kentucky University
BioCourse.comThe number one source for your microbiology course.
BioCourse.com is an electronic meeting place for students and instructors. It
provides a comprehensive set of resources that is up-to-date and easy to navigate.
And, you can access BioCourse.com from any of the McGraw-Hill Life Science Online
Learning Centers.
Here is what you will find at BioCourse.com:
Faculty Club is an array of information and links to related sites for
instructors. Resources that you will find include:
- Teaching tips and basic information on pedagogy, assessment, etc.
- Suggestions for classroom and lecture activities.
- Reference searches and literature for faculty.
- Presentation tools, including a searchable database of more than 10,000
images and animations.
- Test bank.
- Help for new instructors and teaching assistants.
- Information on available jobs, grant writing, and available funding.
- Case studies.
Student Center contains a wide range of materials to help biology students
improve their study skills and achieve success in college and beyond. Examples
of materials that will be available:
- Study aids.
- Resume writing and information on jobs and internships.
- Graduate school options.
- Information for MCAT and other tests.
- Links to content websites by topic.
R & D Center features our newest simulations, animations, and other
teaching and learning tools. This portion of our site allows faculty members
and students to try out our materials as they are being developed.
BioLabs features materials for lab students and instructors. Some tools you will find include:
For students:- Dissection techniques.
- Equipment tutorials.
- Safety and setup procedures.
For instructors:
- Lab preparations.
- Lab support.
- Simulations.
Lifelong Learning Content Warehouse is a powerful indexing tool and
hierarchical outline of content resources for searching by students and faculty.
Users can search by topic through a "content warehouse" featuring
text material, activities, visuals, and animations to learn more about a selected
Briefing Room offers instructors and students daily news feeds, links
to prominent journals, commentary from McGraw-Hill authors, and access to XanEdu
journal search service. Users can subscribe to the weekly BioCourse.com
e-newsletter for science news and BioCourse.com updates.
BioCourse.com is available to instructors and students when a McGraw-Hill Life
Science text is adopted for classroom use.