Stephen Aley, University of Texas at El Paso The currency and detail are clear improvements over previous editions, both
of Prescott and Brock. Compared with our current text, I would rate this edition's
Chapters 41 and 42 a clear improvement. Susan Bagley, Michigan Technological University The electronic resources to go with the Prescott text currently appear to be far more sophisticated and useful than those currently available... Dennis Bazylinski, Iowa State University I have been pleased with the level of presentation, the development of basic concepts, and the readability and clarity of the Prescott text. R. L. Bernstein, San Francisco State University I very much like the new chapter on genomics, and would feature it in my course, since I already extensively treat the subject of genomics in my lectures. Matthew Buechner, University of Kansas I am very eager to see the new chapter on microbial genomics; this will be
an exciting addition to the text. The changes to the TOC are good, and represent
an obvious continuing improvement. Mary Burke, Oregon State University The strength of the chapters is that they are easy to follow and flow well.
I was impressed how many suggestions I made during my review were incorporated
into this new edition. James Champine, Southeast Missouri State University There are a number of improvements over the previous texts including the new
emphasis on the chemoautotrophs as primary producers and the breakdown of CO2
fixation pathways by organism. The strength of the text is the clarity and thorough
coverage of biochemistry. I would enjoy having this book as a resource. Students
would likewise benefit. John Clausz, Carroll College I am impressed with the clarity of presentation of the information in this
chapter (Ch. 19), especially the material dealing with the three domains and
their relationship to the different schema for kingdom construction. Leanne Field, University of Texas Prescott is in general well organized, written at the appropriate level, and
is an attractive and appealing text for our visually-oriented students. Duncan Krause, University of Georgia The new coverage of vaccines is excellent. Donald Lehman, University of Delaware I like the incorporation of applications of immunology and clinical immunology
into a single chapter. It seems very appropriate. Maura Meade-Callahan, Allegheny College I think it is good to move the Microorganisms in the Environment section closer
to the beginning of the book. Craig Moyer, Western Washington University The table of contents reflects changes that are more in line with the sequence
of topics I address and makes me seriously consider changing to this text for
my next offering. Rita Moyes, Texas A & M University This text is consistently good at developing basic concepts and writing is
at an appropriate level for introductory students. Richard Myers, Southwest Missouri State University Strengths are comprehensive coverage, clarity of writing, and illustrations
and photographs. Wade Nichols, Illinois State University This chapter was excellent (Ch. 14). It did a great job on covering biotechnology
and its role in society. Sabine Rech, San Jose State University I think the strength of the chapters are the overview sections which put concepts
of the chapter in perspective. Linda Sherwood, Montana State University I was so happy to see this chapter (Ch 15). I do not currently spend much time
on genomics, but it is a topic I would like to spend more time on. This chapter
would certainly help me do so. It was well written, very clear, and easily understood. Joan Slonczewski, Kenyon College The content of this text is excellent, and I appreciate using it for my course. Daniel Smith, Seattle University I particularly liked this chapter (Ch. 41). I especially like the reference
to aflatoxins and their potential hazards. Chapter 42 is one of the better chapters
on this topic I have read. William Staddon, Eastern Kentucky University The text is well written and covers the basic concepts quite well. It does
a very good job of addressing important topics in environmental microbiology.
I appreciate the detail presented as it makes the text quite flexible. Thomas Terry, University of Connecticut The three major strengths are well-balanced and extensive coverage of microbes as organisms, depth of coverage, and accuracy and currency. This text is written with a level of authority, accuracy, and up-to-date currency that is not easy to find. James VandenBosch, Eastern Michigan University Chapter 38 is excellent; the increased balance afforded by the addition of taxonomic and molecular descriptors for each virus is appreciated. I will adopt the new edition. |