|  Microbiology, 5/e Lansing M Prescott,
Augustana College Donald A Klein,
Colorado State University John P Harley,
Eastern Kentucky University
Genes: Structure, Replication, and Mutation
Web Exercises1. How are new strands of DNA constructed by the cell? How does the final shape
of the DNA molecule impart its function?
For a 3-D molecular view of DNA, visit http://www.biology.arizona.edu/biochemistry/activities/DNA/DNA_intro.html
2. View important events in the history of genetics at Picture It Biochemistry.
Why have so many Nobel prizes been awarded to geneticists? 3. Look up variations on DNA structure by entering the terms "Z-DNA"
and "B-DNA" into a search engine on the Web. Compare these forms of
DNA with the one presented in this chapter. |