|  Microbiology, 5/e Lansing M Prescott,
Augustana College Donald A Klein,
Colorado State University John P Harley,
Eastern Kentucky University
Bacteria: The Low G + C Gram Positives
Study Outline- Introduction
- The phylum Firmicutes contains cell wall-less bacteria (mycoplasmas) and the low G+C gram-positive bacteria
- Firmicutes is divided into three classes: Mollicutes, Clostridia, and Bacilli
- Class Mollicutes (The Mycoplasmas)
- Has five orders and six families having the following characteristics:
- Lack cell walls and cannot synthesize peptidoglycan precursors; therefore are penicillin resistant and susceptible to lysis by osmotic shock and detergent treatment
- Are smallest bacteria capable of self-reproduction
- Most are nonmotile but some can glide along liquid-covered surfaces
- Most species require sterols (unusual for bacteria)
- Usually facultative anaerobes but a few are strict anaerobes
- Have some of the smallest genomes observed in procaryotes; G + C content ranges from 23 to 41%
- Can be saprophytes, commensals or parasites
- Metabolism is not particularly unusual
- Are deficient in several biosynthetic pathways
- Some produce ATP by the Embden-Meyerhoff pathway and lactic acid fermentation; others catabolize arginine to urea
- Pentose phosphate pathway functions in some; none have a complete TCA cycle
- Widespread
- Can be isolated from plants, animals, soil, and compost piles
- Serious contaminants of mammalian cell cultures; difficult to detect; difficult to eliminate
- In animals, they colonize mucous membranes and joints and are often associated with diseases of the respiratory and urogenital tracts
- Pathogenic species include:
- M. mycoides-bovine pleuropneumonia in cattle
- M. gallisepticum-chronic respiratory disease in chickens
- M. pneumoniae-primary atypical pneumonia in humans
- M hominis and Ureaplasma urealyticum-pathogenic in humans
- Spiroplasmas-pathogenic in insects, ticks, and a variety of plants
- Low G + C Gram-Positive Bacteria in Bergey?s Manual
- First edition treats low G + C gram positives phenotypically
- Classified on the basis of cell shape, clustering and arrangement of cells, presence or absence of endospores, oxygen relationships, fermentation patterns, peptidoglycan chemistry, etc.
- Peptidoglycan structure varies considerably
- Some contain meso-diaminopimelic acid cross-linked through its free amino group to the carboxyl group of the terminal D-alanine of the adjacent chain
- Others contain lysine cross-linked by interpeptide bridges
- Others contain L,L-diaminopimelic acid and have one glycine as the interpeptide bridge
- Others use ornithine to cross-link between positions 2 and 4 of the peptide chains rather than positions 3 and 4 as used by the other forms
- Other cross-links and differences in cross-link frequency also contribute to variation in structure
- These variations are characteristic of particular groups and are therefore taxonomically useful
- Bacterial endospores are complex structures that allow survival under adverse conditions; sporeformers are distributed widely but found mainly in soil
- Second edition takes a phylogenetic approach dividing the low G + C gram positives into two classes: Clostridia and Bacilli; endospore-formers are found in both groups
- Class Clostridia
- Contains three orders and 11 families
- The largest genus is Clostridium
- Obligate anaerobes, sporeformers, do not carry out dissimilatory sulfate reduction
- Over 100 species in distinct phylogenetic clusters
- Practical impact
- Responsible for many cases of food spoilage, even in canned foods (e.g., C. botulinum)
- C. perfringens-gas gangrene
- C. tetani-tetanus
- Some are of industrial value (e.g., C. acetobutylicum-used to manufacture butanol)
- Genus Desulfotomaculum
- Anaerobic, endospore-forming bacteria that reduce sulfate and sulfite to hydrogen sulfide during anaerobic respiration
- Stains gram-negative but actually has a gram-positive type cell wall with a lower than normal peptidoglycan content
- Genera Heliobacterium and Heliophilum
- Are anaerobic, photosynthetic bacteria that use bacteriochlorophyll g; have a photosystem like the green sulfur bacteria, but lack intracytoplasmic photosynthetic membranes (pigments are in the plasma membrane)
- Stain gram negative but have gram-positive type cell wall with lower than normal peptidoglycan content
- Genus Veillonella (family Veillonellaceae)
- Anaerobic, chemoheterotrophic cocci
- Usually diplococci
- Have complex nutritional requirements; ferment carbohydrates, lactate and other organic acids, and amino acids; produce gas and a mixture of volatile fatty acids
- Parasites of homeothermic animals; part of the normal microflora of the mouth, the gastrointestinal tract, and urogenital tract of humans and other animals
- Class Bacilli
- Order Bacilliales
- Genus Bacillus
- Largest genus in the order
- Gram-positive, endospore-forming, chemoheterotrophic rods that are usually motile with peritrichous flagella
- Usually aerobic, sometimes facultative, and catalase positive
- Many species are of considerable importance: some produce antibiotics, some cause disease (e.g., B. cereus-causes food poisoning and B. anthracis-causes anthrax), and some are used as insecticides (e.g., B. thuringiensis and B. sphaericus)
- Genus Thermoactinomyces
- Thermophilic; form single spores on both aerial and substrate mycelia
- Commonly found in damp haystacks, compost piles, and other high-temperature habitats
- The spores are very heat-resistant and thus are true bacterial endospores-can survive 90oC for 30 minutes
- T. vulgaris-causative agent for farmer's lung disease, an allergic respiratory disease in agricultural workers
- Genus Caryophanon-strict aerobe, catalase positive, motile by peritrichous flagella; lives in cow dung; disk-shaped cells that join together to form rods
- Genus Staphylococcus (family Staphylococcaceae)
- Facultatively anaerobic, nonmotile cocci that form irregular clusters
- Catalase positive, oxidase negative; ferment glucose anaerobically
- Normally associated with skin, skin glands, and mucous membranes of warm-blooded animals
- Cause many human diseases (e.g., endocarditis, wound infections, surgical infections, urinary tract infections, various skin infections, pneumonia, toxic shock syndrome, and food poisoning
- Genus Listeria (family Listeriaceae)-short rods that are peritrichously flagellated; aerobic or facultative, catalase positive; L. monocytogenes is a human pathogen that causes listeriosis, an important food infection
- Order Lactobacilliales
- Lactic acid bacteria-nonsporing, nonmotile, fermentative (lactic acid fermentation), nutritionally fastidious, facultative or aerotolerant anaerobes;
- Largest genus is Lactobacillus with nearly 80 species
- Can be rods and sometimes coccobacilli; lack catalase
- Can carry out heterolactic or homolactic acid fermentation
- Grow optimally between pH 4.5 and pH 6.4
- Found on plant surfaces and in dairy products, meat, water, sewage, beer, fruits, and many other materials
- Normal microflora of mouth, intestinal tract, and vagina; usually not pathogenic
- Used in the production of fermented vegetable foods, beverages, sour dough, hard cheeses, yogurt, and sausages
- Responsible for spoilage of beer, milk, and meat
- Genus Leuconostoc (family Leuconostocaceae)
- Facultatively cocci that may be elongated or elliptical shape; clustered in pairs or chains
- Lack catalase; carry out heterolactic fermentation
- Isolated from plants, silage, and milk
- Important in wine production, fermentation of vegetables such as cabbage and cucumbers, manufacture of buttermilk, butter, cheese, and dextrans; involved in food spoilage
- Genus Streptococcus (family Streptococcaceae)
- Most are facultative anaerobes; catalase negative; a few are obligate anaerobes
- Form pairs or chains in liquid media; do not form endospores; nonmotile
- Homolactic fermentation; produces lactic acid but no gas
- The many species of this genus are distinguished by hemolysis reactions (b-hemolysis-incomplete with greenish zone or b-hemolysis-complete with clear zone but no greening), serologically, and by a variety of biochemical and physiological tests
- Members of the genera Enterococcus, Streptococcus, and Lactococcus have great practical importance:
- S. pyogenes-causes streptococcal sore throat, acute glomerulonephritis and rheumatic fever
- S. pneumonia-causes lobar pneumonia
- S. mutans-associated with dental caries
- E. faecalis-opportunistic pathogen that can cause urinary tract infections and endocarditis
- L. lactis-used in the production of buttermilk and cheese