|  Microbiology, 5/e Lansing M Prescott,
Augustana College Donald A Klein,
Colorado State University John P Harley,
Eastern Kentucky University
Microorganisms in Terrestrial Environments
Chapter ObjectivesAfter reading this
chapter you should be able to:
- describe the various environmental conditions found in soils
- describe the interaction of microorganisms with insects and other soil animals,
and explain how these interactions influence nutrient cycling and other processes
- describe how soil is formed
- describe the different types of soils and the microorganisms found in them
- discuss the various types of associations between plants and microorganisms
- discuss the interactions of microorganisms and plants and their impact on
soil nutrients and on the atmosphere
- discuss organic matter accumulation and decomposition in soils
- discuss the subsurface biosphere
- discuss the impact of soil microbes on human health
- discuss the reasons that soil microbial communities are not well understood