|  Microbiology, 5/e Lansing M Prescott,
Augustana College Donald A Klein,
Colorado State University John P Harley,
Eastern Kentucky University
Normal Microbiota and Nonspecific Host Resistance
Study Outline- Introduction
- Pathogenicity-the ability to produce pathological changes (disease) as the result of a parasitic symbiosis between a microorganism and a host
- Pathogen-any disease-producing microorganism
- Gnotobiotic Animals
- Gnotobiotic-an environment or animal in which all microbial species present are known or that is
germ-free (e.g., mammalian fetuses in utero are free from microorganisms)
- Gnotobiotic animals allow investigation of the interactions of animals with specific microorganisms that are deliberately introduced into the animal
- Gnotobiotic colonies of mammals are established by cesarean-section delivery in a germfree isolator; germ-free bird colonies are established by sterilizing egg surfaces and then hatching the eggs in sterile isolators; gnotobiotic colonies are kept in a sterile environment, and normal mating and delivery (hatching) of gnotobiotic animals maintains the colony
- Gnotobiotic animals are not anatomically or physiologically normal
- Can have poorly developed lymphoid tissue, thin intestinal walls, enlarged cecum (birds), or low antibody titers
- Require nutritional supplements
- Have reduced cardiac output and lower metabolic rates
- Are more susceptible to pathogens, but may be resistant to diseases caused by protozoa that use bacteria as a food source (e.g. Entamoeba histolytica) and dental caries
- Normal Microbiota of the Human Body
- Internal tissues are normally free of microorganisms; however, many other sites are colonized; normal microbiota are the microorganisms regularly found at any anatomical site
- Reasons to acquire knowledge of normal human microbiota
- It provides greater insight into possible infections resulting from injury to these sites
- It gives perspective on the possible sources and significance of microorganisms isolated from an infection site
- It increases understanding of the causes and consequences of growth by microorganisms normally absent from a specific body site
- It aids awareness of the role these indigenous microorganisms play in stimulating the immune response
- Distribution of the normal microbiota-can be inside body (endosymbiosis) or outside body (ectosymbiosis)
- Skin
- Resident microbiota multiply on or in the skin; transients normally die in a few hours
- Skin surface varies from one part of the body to another and generally is a hostile environment; skin surface undergoes periodic drying, is slightly acidic, salty, and has antibacterial substances (e.g., lysozyme)
- Most skin bacteria are found on superficial cells, colonizing dead cells, or closely associated with oil and sweat glands
- ) Staphylococcus epidermidis and corynebacteria (dry areas and sweat
- ) Gram-negative bacteria (moist areas)
- ) Yeast (scalp)
- ) Dematophytic fungi (e.g., those causing ringworm and athletes foot)
- ) Propionibacterium acnes is prevalent in skin glands and is associated with acne vulgaris
- Nose and nasopharynx
- Nose-just inside the nares; Staphylococcus epidermidis and S. aureus are predominant; they are also found on skin of face
- Nasopharynx-above the level of the soft palate; contains nonencapsulated strains of some of the same species that may cause clinical infection (e.g., streptococci and Neisseria); other species also are found
- Oropharynx-between the soft palate and upper edge of the epiglottis; houses many different species, including staphylococci and streptococci
- Respiratory tract-no normal microbiota due to the enzyme lysozyme in mucus and the phagocytic action of alveolar macrophages
- Mouth-contains those organisms that survive mechanical removal by adhering to surfaces such as the gums and teeth; normal microbiota includes streptococci, lactobacilli, and actinomycetes; some contribute to the formation of dental plaque, dental caries, gingivitis, and periodontal disease
- Eye-aerobic commensals are found on the conjunctiva
- External ear-resembles microbiota of the skin; includes some fungi
- Stomach-most microorganisms are killed by acidic conditions unless they pass through very quickly; the number of microorganisms present increases immediately after a meal, but decreases quickly
- Small intestine
- Duodenum-few microorganisms present because of stomach acidity and inhibitory
action of bile and pancreatic secretions; those that are found are gram-positive
rods and cocci
- Jejunum-Enterococcus fecalis, diphtheroids, lactobacilli, and Candida albicans are occasionally found
- Ileum-microbiota resembles that of the colon (e.g., anaerobic gram-negative rods and Enterobacteriaceae)
- Large intestine (colon)-largest microbial population of the body
- Over 300 different species have been isolated from human feces; most are anaerobes or facultative organisms growing anaerobically
- Normal microbiota is excreted by peristalsis, segmentation, desquamation, and movement of mucus, but is replaced rapidly because of high reproductive rate; the microbial community is self-regulating and can be disturbed by stress, altitude, starvation, diet, parasite infection, diarrhea, and use of antibiotics or probiotics
- Genitourinary tract
- Kidneys, ureter, and bladder are normally free of microorganisms; though in both males and females a few microorganisms are found in distal portions of the urethra
- Female genital tract hosts a complex microbiota in a state of flux due to menstrual cycle; Lactobacillus acidophilus predominates; it forms lactic acid and thereby maintains an acidic pH in the vagina and cervical os
- The relationship between normal microbiota and the host
- Relationship with normal microbiota is usually mutually beneficial
- Normal microbiota helps repel invading pathogens by a number of mechanisms (e.g., competition, production of inhibitory chemicals)
- Under some conditions, normal microbiota can become pathogenic; such microorganisms are referred to as opportunistic
- Compromised host-host that is seriously debilitated and has lowered resistance; is often target of opportunistic microorganisms
- Overview of Host Resistance
- To establish infection pathogen must first overcome barrier defenses
- If pathogen succeeds, immune system offers protection
- Immune system is composed of widely distributed cells, tissues, and organs that recognize foreign substances and microorganisms
- Immunity-ability of a host to resist a particular disease
- Immunology-the science that deals with immune responses
- Two types of immune responses
- Nonspecific immune responses (also called innate or natural immunity)
- General resistance mechanisms inherited as part of the innate structure and function of each animal
- Lack immunological memory
- Nonspecific response occurs to same extent with each encounter
- Specific immune response (also called acquired or specific immunity)-discussed in chapter 32
- Resists a particular foreign agent
- Improves on repeated exposure
- Involves the interaction of antigens and antibodies
- Cells, Tissues, and Organs of the Immune System
- Cells of the immune system
- Leukocytes-white blood cells; arise from pluripotent stem cells in bone marrow and migrate to other body sites to mature and perform their functions; include all the cells described below
- Lymphoid cells-also called lymphocytes; major cells of specific immune system; divided into three populations: T cells, B cells and Natural killer (NK) cells
- Mononuclear cells-two types; are both highly phagocytic; constitute the monocyte-macrophage system
- Monocytes-mononuclear phagocytic cells that circulate in blood for short time and can migrate to tissues where they mature into macrophages
- Macrophages-larger than monocytes; have more organelles and possess receptors that allow them to discriminate self from nonself; respond to opsonization (chemical enhancement of phagocytosis)
- Granulocytes-also called polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs)
- Basophils-nonphagocytic; upon stimulation, release chemicals (e.g., histamine, prostaglandins) that impact blood vessels (vasoactive); basophils play important roles in allergic responses
- Eosinophils-mobile cells that migrate from blood stream into tissue spaces; protect against protozoa and helminth parasites
- Neutrophils-highly phagocytic cells that rapidly migrate to sites of tissue damage and infection
- Mast cells-found in connective tissue; contain granules with histamine and other chemicals that contribute to immune response; play important role in allergies and hypersensitivities
- Dendritic cells-phagocytizes microorganisms and then process the microorganisms' surface molecules (antigens); subsequently, the dendritic cells migrate to blood stream or lymphatic system and present foreign antigens to T cells
- Organs and tissues of the immune system
- Primary lymphoid organs and tissues
- Thymus-site of T cell maturation
- Bursa of Fabricus-site of B cell maturation in birds
- Bone marrow-site of B cell maturation in mammals
- Secondary lymphoid organs and tissue
- Spleen-filters blood and traps blood-borne microorganisms and antigens; contains macrophages and dendritic cells that present antigens to T cells
- Lymph nodes-filter lymph and trap microorganisms and antigens; contain macrophages and dendritic cells that present antigens to T cells; T cells also trap antigen and present them to B cells
- Physical and Chemical Barriers in Nonspecific Resistance
- Many factors influence host microbe relationships (e.g., nutrition, age, genetic factors, hygiene)
- Physical and mechanical barriers
- Skin
- Provides a very effective mechanical barrier
- ) Thick outer layer is packed with keratinocytes; these cells produce keratins that are recalcitrant to microbial attack, and they secrete other specialized proteins that produce inflammation
- ) Continuous shedding removes microorganisms that adhere to skin
- ) Relative dryness slows microbial growth
- ) Mild acidity inhibits growth of many microorganisms
- ) Normal microbiota acts antagonistically and competes for attachment sites and nutrients
- ) Sebum forms a protective layer
- ) Normal washing continually removes microorganisms
- ) If pathogen penetrates tissue under skin, it encounters skin-associated lymphoid tissue (SALT)
- ) Langerhans cells-specialized dendritic cells that phagocytize antigens then migrate to lymph nodes and differentiate into interdigitating dendritic cells, a type of antigen-presenting cell
- ) Intraepidermal lymphocytes-function as T cells to destroy antigen
- Mucous membranes
- Mucus secretions form a protective covering that contains antibacterial substances, such as lysozyme, lactoferrin, and lactoperoxidase
- Contain mucosal-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT)
- ) Several types, including gut-associated (GALT) and bronchial associated (BALT)
- ) MALT operates by the action of M cells, which phagocytize antigen and transport it either to a pocket within the M cell containing B cells and macrophages or to lymphoid follicles containing B cells
- Respiratory system-aerodynamic filtration deposits organisms onto mucosal surfaces, and mucociliary blanket transports them away from the lungs; coughing, sneezing, and salivation also remove microorganisms; alveolar macrophages destroy those pathogens that get to the alveoli
- Gastrointestinal tract
- Gastric acid kills most microorganisms
- In intestines, pancreatic enzymes, bile, intestinal enzymes, GALT, peristalsis, normal microbiota, lysozyme, and antibacterial peptides destroy or remove microorganisms
- Genitourinary tract
- Kidneys, ureters, and urinary bladder are sterile due to multiple factors (e.g., pH and flushing action)
- Vagina produces glycogen, which is fermented by lactobacilli to lactic acid, thus lowering the pH
- The eye-flushing action, lysozyme, and other antibacterial substances
- Chemical barriers
- Gastric juices, salivary glycoproteins, lysozyme, oleic acid on the skin, urea, and other chemicals have already been discussed
- Bacteriocins-plasmid-encoded antibacterial substances produced by normal microbiota (usually gram-negative bacteria); are lethal to related species
- Beta-lysin and other polypeptides
- Beta-lysin lyses gram-positive bacteria
- Leukins, plakins, cecropins, phagocytin, and other polypeptides also exhibit antimicrobial activity
- Inflammation
- Nonspecific response to tissue injury characterized by redness, heat, pain, swelling, and altered function of the tissue
- Inflammatory response
- Injured tissue cells release chemical signals that activate cells in capillaries
- Interaction of selectins on vascular endothelial surface and integrins on neutrophil surface promotes neutrophil extravasation
- Neutophils attack pathogen
- More neutrophils and other leukocytes are attracted to site of tissue damage to help destroy microorganisms
- Numerous inflammatory mediators function in response
- Kallikrein-an enzyme that catalyzes formation of bradykinin
- Bradykinin
- Binds capillary walls; this promotes movement of fluid and leukocytes into tissue and production of prostaglandins (cause pain)
- Binds mast cells, causing release of histamine and other inflammation mediators
- Histamine-promotes movement of more fluid, leukocytes, bradykinin and killikrein into tissue
- During acute inflammation, pathogen is neutralized and eliminated by a series of events
- Increase in blood flow and capillary dilation bring more antimicrobial factors and leukocytes into the area; these destroy the pathogen; dead cells also release antimicrobial factors
- The rise in temperature stimulates the inflammatory response and may inhibit microbial growth
- A fibrin clot often forms and may limit the spread of the invaders so that they remain localized
- Phagocytes collect in the inflamed area and phagocytize the pathogen; chemicals stimulate release of neutrophils and increase the rate of granulocyte production
- Chronic inflammation is characterized by its longer duration, dense infiltration of lymphocytes and macrophages, and formation of granulomas (in some cases)
- The Complement System
- The complement system is a set of serum proteins that play a major role in the immune response
- Some lyse foreign cells
- Some mediated inflammation and attract and activate phagocytic cells
- Some amplify the effects of antibodies
- Complement acts in a cascade fashion; the complement proteins are inactive, and the activation of one leads to the sequential activation of others
- There are three pathways of complement activation
- Classical pathway-results form antigen-antibody interactions that occur during specific immune responses (discussed in chapter 32)
- Alternative complement pathway-occurs in response to intravascular invasion by bacteria and some fungi; involves interaction of complement with the surface of the pathogen
- Lectin complement pathway-occurs when macrophages release mannose-binding protein (a lectin), which then can activate complement via the alternative pathway or the classical pathway
- Overview of complement activation and immune responses
- Gram-negative bacteria at local tissue site interact with components of alternative pathway
- If bacteria persist or invade a second time, antibody responses activate the classical pathway
- Generation of C3a and C5a complement fragments leads to:
- Activation of mast cells, which release their contents, casing hyperemia
- Release of neutrophils from bone marrow into circulation, and their chemotaxis to injury site
- Ultimately neutrophils and phagocytes ingest and destroy the bacteria
- Phagocytosis
- Phagocytic cells (monocytes, macrophages, and neutrophils) phagocytize infecting organisms
- Recognition of microorganisms occurs by two mechanisms
- Opsonin-dependent recognition-during opsonization, microorganism is coated with antibodies or complement; this promotes recognition and phagocytosis
- Opsonin-independent recognition-uses nonspecific and specific receptors on the phagocytic cells to recognize and bind structures on the microorganism
- Phagocytized microorganism is enclosed in phagosome, which then fuses with lysosome; digestion occurs in phagolysosome
- Lysosomal enzymes (e.g., lysozyme, phospholipase, proteases) hydrolyze microbial structural molecules
- Lysosomes of macrophages and neutrophils have enzymes that make toxic reactive oxygen intermediates (e.g., superoxide radical) during the respiratory burst that accompanies phagocytosis
- Macrophages, neutrophils, and mast cells form reactive nitrogen intermediates (e.g., nitric oxide) that are potent cytotoxic agents
- Neutophil granules contain microbiocidal substances (e.g. defensins), which are delivered to the phagolysosome
- Cytokines
- Cytokines are soluble proteins or glycoproteins that are released by one cell population and act as intercellular mediators
- Monokines-released from mononuclear phagocytes
- Lymphokines-released from T lymphocytes
- Interleukins-released from a leukocyte and act on another leukocyte
- Colony stimulating factors (CSFs)-effect is to stimulate growth and differentiation of immature leukocytes in the bone marrow
- Cytokines have recently been grouped into families; examples are shown in table 31.3 of the text
- Cytokines can affect various cell populations
- Autocrine function-affect the same cell responsible for its production
- Paracrine function-affect nearby cells
- Endocrine function-distributed by circulatory system to target cells
- Exert their effects by binding to cell-surface receptors called cell-association differentiation antigens (CDs); possible effects include
- Stimulation of cell division
- Stimulation of cell differentiation
- Inhibition of cell division
- Apoptosis-programmed cell death
- Stimulation of chemotaxis and chemokinesis
- Interferons
- Regulatory cytokines produced in response to numerous inducers, including viral infection, endotoxin, and presence of intracellular bacterial pathogens
- There are five major classes: IFN-a, IFN-b, IFN-g, IFN-w, and IFN-t
- Fever-results from disturbances in hypothalamic regulatory control, leading to increase of thermal set point
- Most common cause of fever is viral or bacterial infection, usually due to action of an endogenous pyrogen (e.g., interleukin-1, interleukin-6, tissue necrosis factor), which induces secretion of prostaglandins; these reset the hypothalamic thermostat
- Fever augments hosts defenses by three pathways
- Stimulates leukocytes so that they can destroy the microorganism
- Enhances specific activity of the immune system
- Enhances microbiostasis (growth inhibition) by decreasing available iron to the microorganisms
- Natural Killer Cells
- Natural killer (NK) cells are large nonphagocytic granular lymphocytes that destroy malignant cells and cells infected with microorganisms
- Recognize and target in two ways:
- Antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC)-receptors on NK cells link them to antibody-coated target cells
- Killer-activation receptors and killer-inhibitory receptors-binding of these two receptors determines response; if NK cell's killer-inhibitory receptor binds class I major histocompatibility (MHC) molecule (a self antigen), killing is inhibited; if there is no class I MHC on the target cell (i.e., because cell is infected with virus or is malignant), then killing occurs