|  Microbiology, 5/e Lansing M Prescott,
Augustana College Donald A Klein,
Colorado State University John P Harley,
Eastern Kentucky University
Specific Immunity
Study OutlineI. Overview of Specific Immunity
- Specific immune system
- Has three major functions
- Recognize anything that is nonself
- Respond to this foreign material (effector response)-involves the recruitment of various defense molecules and cells to either destroy foreign material or render it harmless
- Remember the foreign invader (amnestic response)-a more rapid and intense responses to foreign material that occurs upon later encounters with the material
- The characteristics of specificity and memory distinguish the specific immune response from nonspecific resistance
- There are two arms of specific immunity
- Humoral (antibody-mediated) immunity-based on action of antibodies that bind bacteria, toxins, and extracellular viruses, tagging or marking them for destruction
- Cellular (cell-mediated) immunity-based on action of T cells that directly attack cells infected with viruses or parasites, transplanted cells or organs, and cancer cells
- Types of acquired immunity-specific immunity that develops after exposure to antigen or after transfer of antibodies or lymphocytes from an immune donor
- Naturally acquired immunity
- Naturally acquired active immunity-an individual comes in contact with an antigen via a natural process (e.g., infection) and produces sensitized lymphocytes and/or antibodies that inactivate or destroy the antigen
- Naturally acquired passive immunity-transfer (e.g., transplacentally or in breast milk) of antibodies from one individual (where they were actively produced) to another (where they are passively received)
- Artificially acquired immunity
- Artificially acquired active immunity-deliberate exposure of an individual to a vaccine (a solution containing antigen) with subsequent development of an immune response
- Artificially acquired passive immunity-deliberate introduction of antibodies from an immune donor into an individual
II. Antigens
- Prior to birth, the immune system removes most T cells specific for self-recognition determinants
- Antigens are substances, such as proteins, nucleoproteins, polysaccharides, and some glycolipids that elicit an immune response and react with products of that response
- Epitopes (antigenic determinant sites) are areas of an antigen that can stimulate production of specific antibodies and that can combine with them
- Valence-the number of epitopes on an antigen; determines number of antibody molecules an antigen can combine with at one time
- Hapten-a small organic molecule that is not itself antigenic but that may become antigenic when
bound to a larger carrier molecule
- Superantigens-bacterial proteins that provoke a dramatic immune response by nonspecifically stimulating T cells to proliferate; occurs when superantigen interacts both with class II MHC molecules and T-cell receptors; superantigens cause symptoms by way of release of massive quantities of cytokines; superantigens are associated with various chronic diseases including rheumatic fever, arthritis, and others
- Cell-associated differentiation antigens (CDs)-functional cell surface proteins that are used to differentiate between leukocyte subpopulations; concentration of these molecules in serum is usually low and elevated levels are associated with disease (e.g., various cancers, autoimmune diseases, HIV infection); levels in serum can be used in disease management
III. Antibodies
- Antibody (immunoglobulin, Ig)-glycoprotein made in response to an antigen; recognizes and binds the antigen that caused its production; five different classes: IgG, IgA, IgM, IgD, and IgE
- Immunoglobulin structure
- Multiple antigen-combining sites (usually two; some can form multimeric antibodies with up to ten combining sites)
- Basic structure is composed of four polypeptide chains
- There are two heavy chains and two light chains
- Within each chain is a constant region (little amino acid sequence variation within the same class of Ig) and a variable region
- The four polypeptides are arranged in the form of a flexible Y
- Fc (crystallizable fragment) is stalk of the Y; contains site at which antibody can bind to a cell; composed only of constant region
- Fab (antigen binding fragments) are at the top of the Y; they bind compatible epitopes of an antigen; composed of both constant and variable regions
- Domains-homologous units, each about 100 amino acids long, observed in heavy chains and in light chains
- Light chain exists in two distinct forms kappa (k) and lambda (l)
- There are five types of heavy chains: gamma (g), alpha (a), mu (m), delta (d), and epsilon (e); these determine, respectively, the five classes (isotypes) of immunoglobulins: IgG, IgA, IgM, IgD, and IgE
- In IgG there are four subclasses, and in IgA there are two subclasses; these subclasses result from variations in the amino acid composition of the heavy chains; the variations are classified as:
- Isotypes-variations normally present in all individuals
- Allotypes-genetically controlled allelic forms of the immunoglobulin molecules; allelic forms that are not present in all individuals
- Idiotypes-individual-specific immunoglobulin molecules that differ in the Fab segments
- Immunoglobulin function
- Fab region binds to antigen whereas Fc region mediates binding to host tissue, various cells of the immune system, some phagocytic cells, or the first component of the complement system
- Binding of antibody to an antigen does not destroy the antigen, but marks (targets) the antigen for immunological attack and activates nonspecific immune responses that destroy the antigen
- Opsonization-coating a bacterium with antibodies to stimulate phagocytosis
- Immunoglobulin classes
- IgG-monomeric protein, 70% to 75% of Ig pool
- Antibacterial and antiviral
- Enhances opsonization; neutralizes toxins
- Only IgG is able to cross placenta (naturally acquired passive immunity for newborn)
- Activates the complement system by the classical pathway
- Four subclasses with some differences in function
- IgM-pentameric protein, 10% of Ig pool
- First antibody made during B-cell maturation and first antibody secreted into serum during primary antibody response
- Never leaves the bloodstream
- Agglutinates bacteria and activates complement by classical pathway; enhances phagocytosis of target cells
- Some may be red blood cell agglutinins
- Up to 5% may be hexameric; hexameric form is better able to activate the complement system than pentameric IgM; bacterial cell wall antigens may directly stimulate B cells to produce hexameric form
- IgA-15% of Ig pool
- Some monomeric forms in serum, but most is dimeric and associated with a protein called the secretory component (secretory IgA or sIgA)
- sIgA is primary Ig of mucosal-associated lymphoid tissue; also found in saliva, tears, and breast milk (protects nursing newborns); helps rid the body of antigen-antibody complexes by excretion; functions in alternate complement pathway
- IgD-monomeric protein, trace amounts in serum
- Does not activate the complement system and cannot cross the placenta
- Abundant on surface of B cells where it plays a role in signaling B cells to start antibody production
- IgE-monomeric protein, less than 1% of Ig pool
- Skin-sensitizing and anaphylactic antibodies
- When an antigen cross-links two molecules of IgE on the surface of a mast cell or basophil, it triggers release of histamine; stimulates eosinophilia and gut hypermotility, which helps to eliminate helminthic parasites
- Diversity of antibodies-three mechanisms contribute to the generation of antibody diversity
- Combinatorial joining
- Ig genes are interrupted or split genes with many exons; in light chain gene, there are three types of exons (C,V, and J); in heavy chain gene there are four types of exons (C, V, J, and D)
- During differentiation of B cells, one C exon, one V exon, and one J exon are joined together to make a functional light chain gene; one C, one V, one J, and one D are joined together to make a functional heavy chain gene; since there are numerous C, V, J, and D exons, many different combinations are possible (2x108)
- The number of different antibodies possible is the product of the number of light chains possible and the number of heavy chains possible
- Somatic mutations-the V regions of germ-line DNA are susceptible to a high rate of somatic mutation during B-cell development
- Alternate joining points-the same exons can be joined at different nucleotides, thus increasing the number of codons and the possible diversity
- Specificity of antibodies-clonal selection theory
- Because of combinatorial joining and somatic mutation, there are a small number of B cells capable of responding to any given antigen; each group of cells is derived asexually from a parent cell and is referred to as a clone; there is a large, diverse population of B-cell clones that collectively are capable of responding to many possible antigens
- Identical antibody molecules, specific to each B cell and a single antigen, are integrated into the plasma membrane of B cell; when these bind the appropriate antigen the B cell is stimulated to divide and differentiate into two populations of cells: plasma cells and memory cells
- Plasma cells are protein factories that produce about 2,000 antibodies per second for their brief life span (5-7 days)
- Memory cells can initiate antibody-mediated immune response if they are stimulated by being bound to the antigen; they circulate more actively from blood to lymph and have long life spans (years or decades); are responsible for rapid secondary response; are not produced unless B cell has been appropriately signaled by activated T-helper cell
- Sources of antibodies
- Immunization-purified antigen is injected into host; specific B-cell clone recognizes and responds by proliferating and producing antibodies
- To promote antigen stimulation, antigen may be mixed with an adjuvant (a molecule that enhances rate and quantity of antibodies produced)
- Blood withdrawn from immunized host is allowed to clot; fluid remaining is called serum
- Serum obtained from immunized host is called antiserum
- Limitations
1) This method results in polyclonal antibodies, which have different epitope specificities; thus sensitivity is lower, and the antibodies often cross-react with closely related antigens
2) Repeated injections with antiserum from one species into another can cause serious allergic reactions
3) Antiserum contains a mixture of antibodies, not all of which are of interest
- Primary antibody response-with immunization and natural acquired immunity, levels (titer) of antibody change over time
- Initial lag phase of several days
- Log phase-antibody titer rises logarithmically
- Plateau phase-antibody titer stabilizes
- Decline phase-antibody titer decreases because the antibodies are metabolized or cleared from the circulation
- Mostly IgM (low-affinity antibodies)
- Secondary antibody response (amnestic response)-has shorter lag phase, higher antibody titer, and more IgG, which have high affinity for antigens (affinity maturation)
- Hybridomas-overcome some of the limitations of antisera by producing a monoclonal antibody with a single specificity
- Made by injecting animals with antigen; when they begin to produce antibodies, spleen is removed and plasma cells are isolated
- Plasma cells are fused with myeloma cells (easily cultured tumor cells of the immune system that produce large quantities of antibodies); the resulting fused cells are hybridomas
- Hybridomas are cultured so that each grows into a separate colony; these are screened to identify those producing desired antibody
- Monoclonal antibodies have a variety of uses: tissue typing for transplants, identification and epidemiological study of infectious microorganisms, identification of tumor and other surface antigens, classification of leukemias and identification of T-cell populations
IV. T-Cell Biology
- T-cell antigen receptors-bind to antigens only when antigen is presented by an antigen-presenting cell
- Major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-proteins encoded by a group of genes called the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes; comprise three classes; only class I and class II are involved in antigen presentation
- Both class I and class II MHC molecules consist of two protein chains and are attached to cytoplasmic membrane
- Both class I and class II MHC molecules fold into similar shapes, each having a deep groove into which a short peptide or other antigen fragment can bind; the presence of a foreign peptide in this groove alerts immune system and activates T cells or macrophages
- Class I MHC molecules bind to peptides that originate in the cytoplasm (endogenous antigens, such as those from replicating viruses); class II MHC molecules bid to fragments that arise from exogenous antigen
- Endogenous proteins-pumped by specific transporter proteins from cytoplasm to endoplasmic reticulum, where they become associated with newly synthesized class I MHC molecules; the peptide-class I MHC complex is then carried to and incorporated within the plasma membrane; detected by cytotoxic T cells
- Exogenous proteins arise from bacteria and viruses taken in endocytotically; digestion of bacterium or virus in phagolysosome creates peptides; these peptides combine with class II MHC and are delivered to cell surface; detected by T-helper cells
- Class I MHC-made by all cells except red blood cells; function to identify cells as Aself@; primary basis of HLA typing for organ transplant
- Class II MHC-produced only by activated macrophages, mature B cells, some T cells, and certain cells of other tissues; function in T-cell communication with macrophages and B cells
- Class III-involved in the classical and alternate complement pathways
- Types of T cells
- Effector cells (cytotoxic T cells-TC)-attach by their T-cell receptor to virus-infected cells that display class I MHC proteins and viral antigens; are then stimulated by T-helper cells; activated cytotoxic T cells produce cytokines that limit viral reproduction and activate macrophages and other phagocytic cells; ultimately cytotoxic T cell destroys target cell; two mechanisms are:
- CD95 pathway-transmembrane signal transduction leads to initiation of apoptosis
- Perforin pathway-release of perforins that damage the target cell membrane, resulting in cytolysis of target cell
- Regulator T cells
- T-helper cells (TH)
1) Three subsets: TH1, TH2, and TH0; each produces and secretes a specific mixture of cytokines
2) TH1-requires two signals for activation (presentation of antigen by an antigen-presenting cell and binding of a TH1 receptor to a macrophage surface protein); activated TH1 secretes cytokines that activate cytotoxic T cells and macrophages
3) TH2-requires two signals for activation (antigen presentation and interleukin-1); activated TH2 releases cytokines that stimulate B-cell proliferation and differentiation
- T-suppressor cells (TS)-suppress B-cell and T-cell responses; activated by interleukin-2, which is produced by activated T-helper cells; proliferation of TS occurs slowly and provides negative feedback control for acquired immune tolerance
V. B-Cell Biology
- Have surface molecules important to their function
- Surface molecules include B-cell antigen receptors (BCRs-IgM and IgD on surface of B cell), Fc receptors, and complement receptors
- Binding of receptors to target molecules is involved in activation of B cell and in phagocytosis, processing, and presentation of antigens
- Antigen-antibody binding-occurs within the pocket formed by folding the VH and VL regions of Fab; binding is due to weak, noncovalent bonds and in most cases shapes of epitope and binding site must be highly complementary (i.e., lock and key) for efficient binding; in at least one case, it is known that the antigen induces a shape change of the antigen-binding site (induced fit mechanism); high complementarity of epitope and binding site provides for the high specificity associated with antigen-antibody binding
- B-cell activation
- T-dependent antigen triggering
- Macrophage ingests the antigen or antigen-bearing organism, processes the antigen, and displays a fragment of the antigen and with its Class II MHC to a T-helper cell; macrophage also secretes interleukins (IL-1 and IL-6)
b IL-1 and IL-6 stimulate the T-helper cell to divide and secrete interleukins (IL- 2, IL-4, IL-5, and IL-6); IL-1 also induces fever
- IL-2, IL-4, IL-5 and IL-6 stimulate proliferation of the T-helper cell
- The resulting T-helper clones bind to B cells presenting the appropriate antigen on their surface; they also secrete B-cell growth factor (BCGF), which causes B cells to divide, and B-cell differentiation factor (BCDF), which causes the B cells to differentiate into plasma cells and produce antibodies
- Note that this pathway for B-cell activation also requires an interaction between the B cell and the antigen; B cell recognizes antigen through its BCRs
- T-independent antigen triggering-causes production of IgM; occurs with polymeric antigens, which have a large number of identical epitopes; antibodies produced, which have low affinity for antigen, never switch to high-affinity IgG or other isotypes; no memory cells are produced
VI. Action of Antibodies
- Toxin neutralization-antibody (antitoxin) binding to toxin renders the toxin incapable of attachment or entry into target cells
- Viral neutralization-binding prevents viral attachment to target cells
- Adherence inhibition-sIgA prevents bacterial adherence to mucosal surfaces
- IgE and parasitic infection-in the presence of elevated IgE levels, eosinophils bind parasites and release lysosomal enzymes that lead to destruction of parasite
- Opsonization-enhancement of phagocytosis; results form coating of microorganisms or other material by antibodies or complement; this prepares the microorganism for phagocytosis
- Immune complex formation-two or more antigen-binding sites per antibody molecule lead to cross-linking, forming molecular aggregates called immune complexes; these complexes are more easily phagocytized
- Precipitation (precipitin) reaction-soluble particles are cross-linked, causing them to precipitate from solution; the antibody involved is called a precipitin antibody
- Agglutination reaction-particles or cells are cross-linked, forming an aggregate; the antibody involved is called an agglutinin
- Hemagglutination-agglutination of red blood cells; antibody is called a hemagglutinin
VII. The Classical Complement Pathway
- Activation of this pathway requires interaction of antibody with an antigen that is usually cell bound
- Following antigen-antibody binding, a complement component (C1) attaches to Fc; this leads to a cascade of enzymatic reactions that culminate in the production of a complex of proteins (C5b67)
- This complex binds membrane of the target cell; two other complement components then bind, forming the membrane attack complex; this creates a pore in the membrane of the target cell, causing it to lyse
VIII. Acquired immune tolerance
- Nonresponse to self; three mechanisms have been proposed: negative selection by clonal deletion, induction of anergy, and inhibition of immune response by T-suppressor cells
- Negative selection by clonal deletion-T cells with ability to interact with self-antigens are destroyed in the thymus
- Induction of anergy-an example of peripheral tolerance (tolerance that develops in areas other than thymus); lymphocytes that can interact with self-antigens are given incomplete activation signals, causing them to enter into an unresponsive state known as anergy
IX. Summary: The Role of Antibodies and Lymphocytes in Resistance
- Response of a host to any particular pathogen may involve a complex interaction between host and pathogen, as well as the components of both nonspecific and specific immunity
- Immunity to viral infection
- Antibodies neutralize viruses
- Antibodies enhance phagocytosis
- Interferons shut down protein synthesis in virus-infected cells; interferons stimulate the activity of T cells and NK cells
- Activated macrophages and cytotoxic T cells destroy virus-infected cells
- Immunity to bacterial infections
- Antibodies trigger complement attack by the classical pathway, leading to the formation of the membrane attack complex
- Complement activation attracts neutrophils and macrophages to site of infection
- Toxin neutralization
- Activated macrophages and cytotoxic T cells destroy cells infected with intracellular pathogenic bacteria