| Foundations in Microbiology, 4/e Kathleen Park Talaro,
Pasadena City College Arthur Talaro
From Atoms to Cells: A Chemical Connection
Concept QuestionsTake some time to write out answers to these questions. If you can answer them, you have a good grasp of the material! 1. How are the concepts of an atom and an element related? What causes elements to differ? 2. What causes atoms to form chemical bonds? Why do some elements not bond readily? 3. Differentiate between an oxidizing agent and a reducing agent. 4. What determines whether a substance is an acid or a base? 5. Describe the basic structure of an amino acid. 6. Describe a nucleotide and a polynucleotide, and compare and contrast the general structure of DNA and RNA. 7. Describe the characteristics of a cell that qualifies it as living. Why are viruses not considered living?