| Foundations in Microbiology, 4/e Kathleen Park Talaro,
Pasadena City College Arthur Talaro
Tools of the Laboratory: Methods for Studying Microorganisms
Chapter Overview- A driving force of microbiology has been to find ways to visualize and handle microorganisms.
- Microbes are managed and characterized by implementing the Five I’s—inoculation, incubation, isolation, inspection, and identification.
- Cultures are made by removing a sample from a desired source and placing it in containers of media.
- Media can be varied in chemical, physical, and functional purposes, depending on the intention.
- Growth and isolation of microbes leads to pure cultures that permit the study and testing of single species.
- Cultures can be used to provide information on microbial morphology, biochemistry, and genetic characteristics.
- Unknown, invisible samples can become known and visible.
- The microscope is a powerful tool for magnifying and resolving cells and their parts.
- Microscopes exist in several forms, using light, radiation, and electrons to form images.
- Specimens and cultures are prepared for study in fresh (live) or fixed (dead) form.
- Staining procedures highlight cells and allow them to be described and identified.