Richard Jaeger,
Auburn University Travis Blalock,
University of Virginia
ISBN: 0072320990 Copyright year: 2004
Feature Summary
A Problem Solving approach teaches students how to think through problems step by step. This methodology is introduced in the opening chapter and used in all of the worked examples.
New design that highlights examples and problem solving strategy, making the text easier to use for both students and instructors.
Modular approach: Digital circuits are covered before analog circuits, giving the text a modern feel, but the two parts are not dependent, so it is easy for professors to cover the material in the order that they choose.
Examples: Additional examples, including new design examples have been added and are followed by matched exercises. These make it easier for students to learn and practice the material.
"Electronics in Action" boxes have been added so that students can see the connection between what they are learning and how it could be practically used.
Computer tools are used for problem solving throughout the text, including Electronics Workbench, which allows students to simulate circuit design.
In this edition, some of the long equation derivations have been moved to the web, still allowing for students to access the information, but not bogging them down as they are reading.
Extensive website includes solutions, PowerPoints, Electronics Workbench.
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