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Child and Adolescent Development for Educators, 2/e
Judith Meece, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
Student Study Guide by Nancy Defrates-Densch

Language and Literacy Development

Web Links

ERIC Fostering Second Language Development in Young Children
( developm... )

Article discussing 8 principles, drawn from theory and research on second language acquisition and culturally sensitive instruction, to guide educators working with linguistically diverse students and to help them recognize that bilingualism is a process that occurs in stages.
Language and Speech Development: Parenting Babies and Toddlers

Information on language development in children, including what you can do to promote it and how you can recognize potential language delays.
Genie, the "Wild Child"

Discusses the case of Genie, the "Wild Child," and her language development.
Pragmatic Language Tips

Provides pragmatic language tips. Includes various functions of language and tips for communicating with young children.
Language Development in Early Childhood

Discusses language development through age 6 and provides activities to enhance language development.
Language Milestones in Early Childhood

Lists language milestones for children between the ages of 1 and 3.
Reading Research

Discusses research about why children succeed or fail at reading.
ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading, English, and Communication

Provides information on children's language development, reading, and writing. Includes online resources for teachers.
Research on Bilingual Education

Provides information regarding research in bilingual education.
Research on Bilingual Education

Provides information regarding research in bilingual education.