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Child and Adolescent Development for Educators, 2/e
Judith Meece, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
Student Study Guide by Nancy Defrates-Densch
The Family: Partners in Education
Essay Questions
Discuss the impact of poverty on child development. What can schools do to help?
Discuss the impact of divorce and remarriage on children. What are some things schools can do to help students deal with parental divorce and remarriage?
Your text discusses frequency and intensity of parent-child conflict. When does each peak? Why might conflict between parents and adolescents become greater during adolescence than in earlier years? What are the implications for teachers?
What are the signs and symptoms of child abuse? What is your legal and ethical responsibility if you suspect that a child in your class is being abused? How will you go about completing your responsibility?
To what extent do you believe parents should be involved in their children's education? What are some reasons parents should be involved in their children's education? In what ways should they be involved? Are there ways in which they should not be involved? What factors influence whether or not parents will become involved in their children's education? What can teachers do to facilitate parental involvement?
Discuss the impact on children developing in a single-parent family. To what do you attribute this impact (e.g. SES, maternal employment, daycare/after school care experiences)? Why?
What can schools do to help families deal with the reality that the majority of American mothers are employed outside the home?
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