|  Plant Design and Economics for Chemical Engineers, 5/e Max S. Peters,
University of Colorado Klaus Timmerhaus,
University of Colorado, Boulder Ronald E. West,
University of Colorado, Boulder
What's NewNEW!
Ch. 4: Flowsheet Synthesis and Development Students gain exposure to this rapidly developing area in plant design. The chapter covers both traditional, heuristic and modern, algorithmic approaches to flowsheets.NEW!
Ch. 5: Software Use in Process Design
Non-software-specific approach allows students to see how software can enhance the design process.NEW!
Ch. 13: Reactor Equipment: Design and Costs
Students now learn more about the heart of many chemical processes.NEW!
Appendix E: Heuristics for Process Equipment Design
Appendix F: Software Useful for DesignAlso new to Plant Design and Economics for Chemical Engineers, 5e:
Expanded coverage on capital investment, economic analysis, and optimization.NEW! “Resource-full” Web site:
- Cost-Estimation Software
- Process Economics Evaluation Software
- Simulation of Chapter 5 examples
- T/F, Matching and FE Quizzes for selected chapters
- Glossary with references to textbook
- Instructor’s Solutions Manual [password protected]
- FE Exam Prep Tips
- Virtual Plant Tours
- Hot Links to relevant plant design sites