|  Plant Design and Economics for Chemical Engineers, 5/e Max S. Peters,
University of Colorado Klaus Timmerhaus,
University of Colorado, Boulder Ronald E. West,
University of Colorado, Boulder
p. 111, table 3-15
- Under Reactor - volume, m should be volume, m3.
p. 194, problem 4-14
- Replace first four words with "For a second."
- The sentence beginning, "100 percent separation of all ethylbenzene…" should read, "100 percent separation and recycle of all ethylbenzene from the reactor exit stream."
- The stated catalyst life of 1100 h is actually the period between regenerations. Assume the catalyst life is 1 year.
- Due to lack of thermodynamic data for several components, heat integration should not be attempted.
p. 195, problem 4-18
- There should be 2 g of metal catalyst per unit, not 0.5 kg.
p. 258, Method G: Turnover Ratio section
- Last line should read, "the ratio can be approximated as 1.‡" (rather than 0.5).
p. 275, problem 6-1
- The 100 m2 in the first sentence should be 10 m2.
p. 405, equation 9-80
- The coefficient 7.61x10-5 must be replaced by (0.0145)(0.0254)n.
p. 406, table 9-4
- There are corrections in first two columns in table 9-4, indicated by the underlines. The first two columns should read as follows:
By Eq. (9-81) | | By Eq. (9-76) | 0.22 | | 0.25 | 0.12 | | 0.14 | 0.07 | | 0.088 | 0.037 | | 0.049 |
p. 435, problem 9-3
- The first coefficient of the total variable operating costs should be 1.22X10-3 (i.e. 0.00122), not 9.78X105.
p. 554, table 12-10
for spherical shells (3rd equation on left from the top)
- Add a 2 before SEj in the denominator.
p. 639, problem 13-8
- Add that the ethanol yield is 0.47 kg ethanol/kg of glucose consumed. The correct unit for the rate coefficient, k, is 1/s, not kg/m3.s.
p. 639, problem 13-10
- The heat of reaction is 89.98 MJ/kg mol CH3OH, not kJ/kg mol.
- The symbol pi represents fugacity, in kPa, of component i, which equals the partial pressure, pi = Pyi, in kPa, when the fugacity coefficient is 1.
p. 640, problem 13-12
- The third sentence should read, "In the proposed recovery process, each kg of catalyst-containing ceramic is mixed with two kg of aqueous sodium cyanide solution, and the Pt is dissolved by complexing with the cyanide."
p. 657, equation 14-18
- Coefficient should be 0.023, not 0.23.
p. 751, problem 14-11
- Equation should read μL = μW = 4 × 10-4Pa•s NOT 4 × 10-6Pa• s
p. 752, problem 14-14
- 30°C should be 20°C
- 21°C should be 20°C
- 0.0082 should be 0.082
p. 752, problem 14-15
- 2944 kPa should be 1944 kPa
p. 784, figure 15-7
- Ordinates should be 10-1, 10-2, 10-3, not 1, 10-1, 10-2 respectively
p. 867, figure 15-46
- Figure caption should read "Purchased cost of centrifugal basket separation."
p. 822, bottom line equation
p. 874, problem15-5
- Should read absorption, not adsorption.
p. 880, table A-1
- The quantity of Pa should read "Pressure or stress," not "Pressure of stress."
p. 943, problem 24
- In first paragraph, should read 5 × 10 -11m2 / s NOT 5 × 10-9m / s.
p. 978
- Reference should read Treybal, not Treyal.