Silberberg: Chemistry
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Student Edition
Instructor Edition
Chemistry: The Molecular Nature of Matter and Change, 3/e

Martin Silberberg

ISBN: 0072396814
Copyright year: 2003

A Media Feature Summary

Supplements for the Instructor

Multimedia Supplements

Digital Content Manager
This multimedia collection of visual resources allows instructors to utilize artwork from the text in multiple formats to create customized classroom presentations, visually based tests and quizzes, dynamic course website content, or attractive printed support materials. The digital assets on this cross-platform CD-ROM are grouped by chapter within easy-to-use folders.

Chemistry Animations Library 2003 CD-ROM
This CD-ROM contains over 300 animations, several authored by Martin Silberberg. With an easy-to-use application, the CD enables users to quickly view the animations and import them into PowerPoint to create multimedia presentations.

Online Learning Center
(Instructor Center)
The Instructor Center is an online repository for teaching aids. It houses downloadable and printable versions of traditional ancillaries plus a wealth of online content.

All Online Learning Center material is available at WebCT and Blackboard. All end-of-chapter problems from the text are included within these course delivery systems.

Brownstone’s DIPLOMA©
With its Test Generator, On-Line Testing Program, Internet Testing, and Grade Management Systems, Brownstone’s Diploma is an invaluable instructor resource. This user-friendly software’s testing capability is consistently ranked number one over other products.

Printed Supplements

Instructor’s Solutions Manual
This printed supplement contains complete, worked-out solutions for all the end-of-chapter problems in the text.

This boxed set of 300 full-color transparency acetates features images from the text that are modified to ensure maximum readability in both small and large classroom settings.

Supplements for the Students

Multimedia Supplements

Online Learning Center
(Student Center)
The Student Center of the OLC features quizzes, interactive learning games, and study tools tailored to coincide with each chapter of the text.

Essential Study Partner
Located within the OLC, this online resource consists of a collection of interactive study modules containing hundreds of animations, learning activities, and quizzes designed to help students grasp complex concepts.

ChemSkill Builder
This incredible online tool contains more than 1500 algorithmically generated questions, each with tutorial feedback. There is a direct correlation between student time investment in this program and increased problem-solving ability. A record of student work is maintained in an online gradebook so that homework can be done at home, in a dorm room, or in a university lab.

Located within the OLC, NetTutor is a revolutionary online environment that allows users to participate in real-life group learning sessions. Students can communicate with live tutors, submit specific questions, or browse archives of previously asked questions and their answers.

Printed Supplements

Student Study Guide
This excellent resource reinforces the most important points in every chapter of the book.

Student Solutions Manual
This manual contains complete worked-out solutions to all follow-up problems and nearly half the end-of-chapter problems in the text.

To obtain an instructor login for this Online Learning Center, ask your local sales representative. If you're an instructor thinking about adopting this textbook, request a free copy for review.