Silberberg: Chemistry
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Student Edition
Instructor Edition
Chemistry: The Molecular Nature of Matter and Change, 3/e

Martin Silberberg

ISBN: 0072396814
Copyright year: 2003

A Text Feature Summary

Guided Tour

This Guided Tour to Chemistry: The Molecular Nature of Matter and Change, Third Edition, has been designed to walk you through the features of a chapter. As you examine them, note the following:
  • Each chapter begins by orienting you to the topic flow.
  • The multipart sample problems help you plan, execute, and check the solution.
  • Illustrations are placed very close to the related text.
  • The art depicts a chemical reaction on several levels of reality simultaneously.
  • The relevance of chemistry is clearly demonstrated.
  • The end-of-chapter material provides many ways to review and practice the concepts and skills covered.

Chapter Outline
The outline details the topic flow of the chapter by listing the major topics and the subtopics within them.

Chapter Opener
The opener provides a thought-provoking figure and legend that relate to a main topic of the chapter.

Concepts and Skills to Review
This unique feature helps you prepare for the current chapter by listing important material from previous chapters that you should understand before you start reading.

Consistent Problem-Solving Approach

Sample Problem
A multipart worked-out problem appears when an important new concept or skill is introduced. A step-by-step approach is used for every sample problem presented in the text.

  • Plan - analyzes steps needed to take what is known and find what is unknown. This approach helps you think through the solution before performing calculations.
  • Solution - shows the calculation steps in the same order as detailed in the Plan and Roadmap.
  • Check - fosters the habit of quickly going over your work to make sure the answer is chemically and mathematically reasonable—a great way to avoid careless errors on exams.
  • Comment - provides an additional insight, alternative approach, or common mistake to avoid.
  • Follow-up Problem - gives you immediate practice with the new skill by presenting a similar problem.

Problem-Solving Roadmaps
are included in many worked exercises. They are block diagrams, specific to the problem, that visually lead you through the steps.

Brief Solutions to Follow-up Problems
These provide brief solutions at the end of the chapter, not just a numerical answer at the back of the book. This fuller treatment effectively doubles the number of worked-out problems and is an excellent way for you to reinforce skills.

Illustrations and Page Layout Designed to Maximize Understanding

Page Layout
Author and pager worked side by side to create a book of two-page spreads that place figures as close as possible to their related text. In some cases, art is even wrapped by text, so you can read concepts and see them depicted simultaneously.

Three-Level Illustrations
A Silberberg trademark, these illustrations provide macroscopic and molecular views of a process, so you learn to connect these two levels of reality with each other and with the chemical equation that describes the process in symbols.

Margin Notes
Over 135 short, lively explanations apply ideas in the related text. You’ll explore how your body and the Earth control their temperatures, how crime labs track illegal drugs, how your lungs work, how fat-free chips and decaf coffee are made, the principle of a winning poker hand, the risks of nuclear radiation, handy tips for memorizing relationships, and much more.

Cutting-Edge Molecular Models
Author and artist worked side by side and employed the most advanced computer-graphic software to provide accurate molecular models and vivid molecular-level scenes. Included in the third edition are over 50 new pieces of art.

Applying Chemistry to the Real World

Tools of the Laboratory
These essays describe the key instruments and techniques that chemists use in modern practice to obtain the facts that underlie their theories.

Chemical Connections
These essays show the interdisciplinary nature of chemistry by applying chemical principles to related scientific fields, including physiology, geology, biochemistry, engineering, and environmental science.

These illustrated summaries of applications show how common and unusual substances and products relate to chemical principles. You’ll learn how a ballpoint pen works, why bubbles in a drink are round, why contact-lens rinse must have a certain concentration, how disposable and rechargeable batteries differ, and many other intriguing applications.

Family Portraits
These two-page illustrated summaries appear in Chapter 14 and detail the atomic, physical, and chemical properties of each main group.

This multipage, illustrated Perspective on the Properties of the Elements reviews the major points in Chapters 7–13 that deal with atomic properties and their resulting effects on element behavior.

Tools That Reinforce the Concepts

Section Summaries and Chapter Perspective
Concise paragraphs conclude each section, immediately restating the major ideas just covered. Each chapter ends with a brief overview that places it in the context of previous and upcoming topics.

For Review and Reference
  • Learning Objectives are listed, with section and/or sample problem numbers, to help you focus on key concepts and skills.
  • Key Terms are boldfaced within the chapter. They are arranged here by section (with page number) and defined again in the Glossary.
  • Key Equations and Relationships are screened and numbered within the chapter and listed here with page number.
  • Highlighted Figures and Tables are listed by page number, so you can find them easily and review their essential content.

End-of-Chapter Problems
An exceptionally large number of problems follow each chapter. Three types of problems are keyed by chapter section.
  • Concept Review Questions - These test students’ qualitative understanding of key ideas in the chapter.
  • Skill-Building Exercises - Written in pairs, with one of each pair answered in the back of the book, these exercises begin simply and increase in difficulty, gradually weaning the student from multistep directions.
  • Problems in Context - These problems apply the learned skills to interesting scenarios, including examples from industry, medicine, and the environment.
  • Comprehensive Problems - Following the section-based problems is a large group of more challenging problems based on concepts and skills from any section and/or earlier chapter.

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