Employment Information ACS Job Bank
Provides classified ads from the two most recent issues of Chemical and Engineering
News as well as other online job banks for ACS members. Careers and Graduate Programs Careers
in Science and Engineering, National Academy of Sciences
A guide to those contemplating science and engineering as a career. Discussions
of how to choose a career, why pursue the PhD, how to choose a graduate school,
finding a job, and career changes. Profiles of individuals who have decided
on science careers. Literature on Careers
and Research Opportunities, National Academy of Science
Listing of programs and books by the National Academy American Institute of Chemical
Information on what chemical engineers do (see What are Chemical Engineers?),
what to do if you want to pursue engineering, etc. World-Wide
Web Virtual Library: Chemistry
Links to both graduate and undergraduate chemistry department home pages around
the world. Science Online
Published by the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Some of
the online features require a subscription, but news, forums, and columns on
career development, the Science Professional Network, and the Electronic Marketplace
are free. Grants and Fellowships Fellowship Programs of the National
Research Council
Ford Foundation fellowships for minorities (predoctoral, dissertation, and postdoctoral),
Howard Hughes Medical Institute Predoctoral Fellowships in the Biological Sciences,
DOE fellowships, NASA Administrator's Fellowship Program, Graduate Students
Internships in Science and Technology Policy, Aids for Minority Scholars and
Scientists Associated Western Universities
Fellowships and research opportunities for students, postgraduates, and faculty