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American Education Book Cover
American Education, 10/e
Joel Spring

Textbooks, Curriculum, Internet E-Learing, and Instruction

Chapter Outline


  1. The influence of Texas and California on textbook content
  2. The influence of national organizations on textbook content
  3. Controversial topics and textbook content


  1. Impact of state standards on classroom instruction
  2. Deciding whose knowledge should be valued in the curriculum
  3. Political nature of determining the boundaries of the curriculum

Curriculum and educational philosophies

  1. Social efficiency curriculums
  2. Humanist curriculums
  3. Social meliorist curriculums
  4. Developmentalist curriculums
  5. Essentialism and the curriculum
  6. Social reconstructionist and the curriculum
  7. The history of shifts in curriculum philosophies
  8. Progressive education and John Dewey
  9. Humanistic social efficiency and the 21st century

The Internet and e-learning

  1. The impact of the Internet on classroom learning
  2. Content and access issues

Classroom instruction

  1. Teacher-centered instruction
  2. Student-centered instruction
  3. Open classrooms
  4. Competency-based instruction
  5. Reasons for lack of change in instructional practices

Critical pedagogy

  1. Educational philosophy of Paulo Freire
  2. Problem-based education
  3. Preparing students to work for social change