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American Education Book Cover
American Education, 10/e
Joel Spring

The Profession of Teaching

Chapter Outline

The profession of teaching

  1. Shifting roles of teachers
  2. The feminization of the profession
  3. The development of teacher education programs

Teacher education and the global economy

  1. Teacher shortages and the reshaping of the teaching profession for a global economy
  2. Teacher salaries and the global economy
  3. Teacher professionalism and the global economy

Current issues in teacher education

  1. Control through testing
  2. Control through national licensing
  3. Control through national certification
  4. The role of the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education
  5. Methods of teacher compensation and salary increases
  6. Goals of teacher education programs

The teaching profession

  1. Rewards of teaching
  2. Reasons teachers become dissatisfied with teaching