1 |  |  Normal schools were designed to train |
|  | A) | Children who did not have learning disabilities. |
|  | B) | Teachers for secondary schools. |
|  | C) | Teachers for elementary schools. |
|  | D) | Teachers for elementary and primary schools. |
2 |  |  Teacher educators are excited about the teacher shortage because |
|  | A) | It means they will be allocated more money to recruit students into teacher education programs. |
|  | B) | It provides an opportunity to tighten teacher examinations, require national certification and control teacher education courses. |
|  | C) | The increased salary levels are luring people away from their first career and into the profession of teaching. |
|  | D) | All of the above. |
3 |  |  In the 19th century, female teachers were demeaned and exploited by which of the following rules: |
|  | A) | They were not allowed to marry |
|  | B) | They couldn't be seen in public with men |
|  | C) | They were paid less than men |
|  | D) | All of the above |
4 |  |  The National Commission on Teaching and America's Future assumes that preparing students for high-paying jobs in the global economy is the goal of schooling. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
5 |  |  Recruitment of new teachers is being aided by |
|  | A) | Increased teacher retirement, increased student enrollments, and the expansion of the teaching force. |
|  | B) | Increased teacher retirement, and the expansion of the teaching force. |
|  | C) | Increased student enrollments, and the expansion of the teaching force. |
|  | D) | Increased teacher retirement, and increased student enrollments. |
6 |  |  The centralization of certification and the dependence on teacher-education courses led to a rapid expansion of normal schools and colleges of education in the early 19th century |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
7 |  |  Most licensing procedures focus on the use of examinations, as well as portfolios, work samples, videotapes and observations, to evaluate teacher candidates and teachers. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
8 |  |  Which of the following is not one of the rewards of teaching? |
|  | A) | Interacting with students. |
|  | B) | Autonomy in the classroom. |
|  | C) | Extended vacation time. |
|  | D) | Public recognition and rewards. |
9 |  |  The two stages of the National Commission on Teaching and America's Future plan to use national examinations to control the content and programs in teacher education are national licensing and national certification. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
10 |  |  The following are solutions to the inherent problems with traditional methods of compensating teachers. |
|  | A) | Master-teacher and career ladder proposals. |
|  | B) | Merit pay and national certification programs. |
|  | C) | Master-teacher proposals, career ladder proposals and merit pay. |
|  | D) | National certification programs, and master-teacher and career ladder proposals. |
11 |  |  The reason for leaving teaching cited most often by teachers in the Harris survey was |
|  | A) | Lack of parental support. |
|  | B) | Unproductive working relationship with principal. |
|  | C) | Lack of money. |
|  | D) | Unproductive working relationship with peers. |
12 |  |  Accomplished teachers: |
|  | A) | Are committed to students and their learning, know the subject they teach and how to teach the subject, are responsible for managing and monitoring student learning, think systematically about their practice and learn from their experience, and are members of a learning community. |
|  | B) | more than five years' teaching experience, are committed to students and their learning, know the subject they teach and how to teach the subject, are responsible for managing and monitoring student learning, think systematically about their practice and learn from their experience, and are members of a learning community. |
|  | C) | Are committed to students and their learning, are responsible for managing and monitoring student learning, think systematically about their practice and learn from their experience, and are members of a learning community. |
|  | D) | Are committed to students and their learning, know the subject they teach and how to teach the subject, are responsible for managing and monitoring student learning, and are members of a learning community. |
13 |  |  Most teacher education programs do not include all of the following components: subject matter knowledge, psychological and physical nature of those they are going to teach, how people learn, best teaching methods for a particular subject. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
14 |  |  A report released by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards found that teachers who passed the national certification examination had |
|  | A) | A deeper understanding of why students succeed and fail, better ability to improvise skills, better ability to convey knowledge to students, better ability to design lessons, and better ability to critique their instructional methods. |
|  | B) | A better ability to improvise skills, more passion for teaching, better ability to convey knowledge to students, better ability to design lessons, and better ability to critique their instructional methods. |
|  | C) | A deeper understanding of why students succeed and fail, better ability to improvise skills, more passion for teaching, better ability to convey knowledge to students, and better ability to critique their instructional methods. |
|  | D) | A deeper understanding of why students succeed and fail, better ability to improvise skills, more passion for teaching, better ability to convey knowledge to students, better ability to design lessons, and better ability to critique their instructional methods. |
15 |  |  Boyer identified schooling in America, learning theory and research, teaching of writing, and teaching of the fine arts as the four areas of study that should be part of the teacher education curriculum. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |