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American Education Book Cover
American Education, 10/e
Joel Spring

Equality of Educational Opportunity: Race, Gender, and Special Needs

Chapter Outline

Law, race and educational equality

  1. Defining equal educational opportunity
  2. Social dimensions of race and gender equality
  3. Legal dimensions of race and gender equality

Race, class and education

  1. Legal interpretations of the equal protection clause
    1. Plessy v. Ferguson
    2. Brown v. Board of Education
    3. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
  2. The meaning of race
  3. The intersection of race and social class
  4. The economic value of race
  5. Defining racism
  6. The impact of race and class upon equal educational opportunities
  7. Teaching about racism

Desegregation and equal educational opportunity

  1. The future of desegregation
  2. Second-generation segregation
  3. The impact of political power on segregation

Gender and education

  1. The economic value of gender
  2. Equal education for women
  3. Sexism and education

Students with special needs

  1. The law and special needs students
  2. Defining the least restrictive environment
    1. Mainstreaming
    2. Inclusion
  3. Teacher responses to inclusion