Calculus, Single Variable By Robert T. Smith and Roland B. Minton ISBN 007-239860-4
(c) 2002  (19.0K) Calculus, Single Variable addresses single variable calculus and consists of Chapters 0-9 of Calculus, 2/e.
The following resources are available for use with this text:
Calculus: An Interactive Text, Single Variable (available on CD-ROM)
ISBN 007-239861-2
Student's Solutions Manual to accompany Calculus, Single Variable
ISBN 007-59248-9
Instructor's Resource Manual to accompany Calculus, Single Variable
ISBN 007-239863-9
Additional resources are available for the combined text (Chapters 0-14) and can be ordered to accompany Calculus, Single Variable .
Please return to the Calculus home page for further information about this text and its resources.