Abraham, S. N. September/October 1997. Discovering the benign traits of the mast cell. Science & Medicine 4(5):46. Recent investigations suggest mast cells have roles in immune surveillance and control of the immune response. Arakawa, T. and Langridge W. R. H. May 1998. Plants are not just passive creatures! Nature Medicine 4(5):550. Plants are being used as bioreactors to produce foreign proteins for human immunity.Beck, G., and Habicht, G. S. November 1996. Immunity and the invertebrates. Scientific American 275(5):60. Nearly all aspects of the human immune system appear to have a cellular or chemical parallel among the invertebrates.Becker, R. C. July/August 1996. Antiplatelet therapy. Science & Medicine 3(4):12. This article discusses the control of platelet aggregation.Benjamini, E., and Leskowitz, S. 1996. Immunology: A short course. 3d ed. New York: John Wiley & Sons. Presents the essential principles of immunology.Bikle, D. D. March/April 1995. A bright future for the sunshine hormone. Science & Medicine 2(2):58. Vitamin D receptors exist in many types of cells, suggesting therapeutic uses for the hormonally active metabolite of vitamin D.Blaser, M. J. February 1996. The bacteria behind ulcers. Scientific American 274(2):104. Acid-loving microbes are linked to stomach ulcers and stomach cancer.Brown, J. L., and Pollitt, E. February 1996. Malnutrition, poverty and intellectual development. Scientific American 274(2):38. Article discusses the complex role of essential nutrients in a child's mental development.Dickman, S. July 1997. Mysteries of the heart. Discover 18(7):117. Article discusses why coronary arteries may still become blocked after treatment for atherosclerosis.Gibbs, W. W. August 1996. Gaining on fat. Scientific American 275(2):88. Some weight problems are genetic or physiological in origin. New treatments might help.Glausiusz, J. September 1998. Infected hearts. Discover 19(9):30. Infectious bacteria may play a role in heart disease; antibiotics could prevent the need for heart surgery.Glausiusz, J. October 1997. The good bugs on our tongues. Discover 18(10):32. Without the friendly bacteria that live on our tongues, we would be vulnerable to bacteria such as Salmonella.Guyton, A. C., and Hall, J. E. 1996. Textbook of medical physiology. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders Co. Presents physiological principles for those in the medical fields.Haen, P. J. 1995. Principles of hematology. Dubuque, Iowa: Wm. C. Brown Publishers. An introductory text for students planning a career in the medical sciences.Hanson, L. A. November/December 1997. Breast-feeding stimulates the infant immune system. Science & Medicine 4(6):12. Long-lasting protection against some infectious diseases has been reported in breast-fed infants.Hotez, P. J., and Pritchard, D. I. June 1995. Hookworm infection. Scientific American 272(6):68. Discusses how the biology of parasites offers clues to possible vaccines and also for new treatments for heart disease and immune disorders.Klatsky, A. L. March/April 1995. Cardiovascular effects of alcohol. Science & Medicine 2(2):28. The effects of moderate and heavy alcohol use on the cardiovascular system is discussed.Kooyman, G. L., and Ponganis, P. J. November/December 1997. The challenges of diving to depth. American Scientist 85(6):530. Marine animals have ways to control their oxygen supply, and do not experience problems associated with pressure at depth.Little, R. C., and Little, W. C. 1989. Physiology of the heart and circulation. 4th ed. Chicago: Year Book Medical Publishers, Inc. A good reference that gives an in-depth look at cardiovascular physiology.Mader, S. S. 1997. Understanding anatomy and physiology. 3d ed. Dubuque, Iowa: Wm. C. Brown Publishers. A text that emphasizes the basics for beginning allied health students.Mader, S. S. 1998. Human biology. 6th ed. Dubuque, Iowa: WCB/McGraw-Hill, Inc. A student-friendly text that covers the principles of biology with emphasis on human anatomy and physiology.Nature Medicine Vaccine Supplement, May 1998, Vol. 4 No. 5. Entire issue is devoted to the topic of vaccines, including history, recent developments and research in malaria, cancer, and HIV vaccines.Newman, J. December 1995. How breast milk protects newborns. Scientific American 273(6):76. Human milk contains special antibodies that boost the newborn's immune system.Nucci, M. L., and Abuchowski, A. February 1998. The search for blood substitutes. Scientific American 278(2):72. Artificial blood substitutes based on hemoglobin are being developed from synthetic chemicals.Roitt, I., et al. 1998. Immunology. 5th ed. Mosby International, Ltd.: London. For the advanced student, this text features a clear description of the scientific principles involved in immunology, combined with clinical examples.Superko, H. R. September/October 1997. The atherogenic lipid profile. Science & Medicine 4(5):36. Gel electrophoresis is used to relate the risk of heart disease to cholesterol lowering therapy.Sussman, N. L., and Kelly, J. H. May/June 1995. The artificial liver. Science & Medicine 2(3):68. An artificial liver assists temporarily while the natural liver regenerates, restoring normal function.Valtin, H. 1995. Renal function. 3d ed. Boston: Little, Brown and Co. A good reference resource that discusses renal mechanisms for preserving fluid and solute balance.Wardlaw, G., et al. 1994. Contemporary nutrition. 2d ed. St. Louis: Mosby-Year Book, Inc. This text gives a clear understanding of nutritional information found on product labels.Weindruch, R. January 1996. Caloric restriction and aging. Scientific American 274(1):64. Consuming fewer calories may increase longevity.West, J. B. 1994. Respiratory physiology - The essentials. 5th ed. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins. A good reference resource that discusses all aspects of respiratory physiology including breathing, and external and internal respiration.White, R. J. September 1998. Weightlessness and the human body. Scientific American 279(3):58. Space medicine is providing new ideas about treatment of anemia and osteoporosis.Yock, P., et al. September/October 1995. Intravascular ultrasound. Science & Medicine 2(3):68. Ultrasound images of coronary arteries helps diagnose atherosclerosis.
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