Barkley, R. A. September 1998. Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Scientific American 279(3):66. ADHD may result from neurological abnormalities with a genetic basis. Beardsley, T. August 1997. The machinery of thought. Scientific American 277(2):78. Researchers have identified the area of the brain responsible for memory. Debinski, W. May/June 1998. Anti-brain tumor cytotoxins. Science & Medicine 5(3):36. Delivery of bacterial toxins specifically to tumor cells is a new therapeutic strategy for brain tumor treatment.Deyo, R. A. August 1998. Low-back pain. Scientific American 279(2):48. Treatment options for low-back pain which don't involve bed rest or surgery are improving.Drollette, D. October 1997. The next hop: Can wallabies replace the lab rat? Scientific American 277(4):20. Wallaby embryos may be the ideal model in mammalian neurobiology. Duke, R. C., et al. December 1996. Cell suicide in health and disease. Scientific American 275(6):80. Failures in the processes of cellular self-destruction may give rise to cancer, AIDS, Alzheimer disease, and some genetic diseases.Gazzaniga, M. S. July 1998. The split brain revisited. Scientific American 279(1):50. Recent research on split brains has led to new insights into brain organization and consciousness. Grillner, S. January 1996. Neural networks for vertebrate locomotion. Scientific American 274(1):64. Discoveries about how the brain coordinates muscle movement raise hopes for restoration of mobility for some accident victims. Hadley, M. E. 1996. Endocrinology. 4th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall. This text discusses the role of chemical messengers in the control of neurological processes.Halstead, L. S. April 1998. Post-polio syndrome. Scientific American 278(4):42. Recovered polio victims are experiencing fatigue, pain, and weakness, resulting from degeneration of motor neurons. Harvard Health Letter. April 1998. A special report: Parkinson's disease. This overview presents the symptoms and diagnosis of Parkinson's disease, and discusses medications and surgical methods of treatment.Jordan, V. C. October 1998. Designer estrogens. Scientific American 279(4):60. Selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) may protect against breast and endometrial cancers, osteoporosis, and heart disease.Julien, R. M. 1997. A primer of drug action. 8th ed. New York: W. H. Freeman and Company. A concise, nontechnical guide to the actions, uses, and side effects of psychoactive drugs. Karch, S. B. 1996. The pathology of drug abuse. 2d ed. Boca Raton, Fl: CRC Press, Inc. This book, which can be used by students and medical professionals, contains the history, cultivation or manufacture, and effects of psychoactive drugs on the body. Mader, S. S. 1997. Understanding anatomy and physiology. 3d ed. Dubuque, Iowa: Wm. C. Brown Publishers. A text that emphasizes the basics for beginning allied health students.Marcus, D. M., and Camp, M. W. May/June 1998. Age-related macular degeneration. Science & Medicine 5(3):10. New therapies are needed for this common cause of vision loss in the elderly. Mattson, M. P. March/April 1998. Experimental models of Alzheimer's disease. Science & Medicine 5(2):16. In Alzheimer's disease, mutations accelerate changes that occur during normal aging. Maudgil, D. D., and Shorvon, S. D. September/October 1997. Locating the epileptogenic focus by MRI. Science & Medicine 4(5):26. Use of MRI should improve treatment of certain kinds of epilepsy. McLachlan, J. A., and Arnold, S. F. September/October 1996. American Scientist 84(5):452. Environmental estrogens. Research suggests that ecoestrogens can mimic molecules involved in environmental signaling.Nolte, J. 1993. The human brain. 3d ed. St. Louis: Mosby-Year Book, Inc. Beginners are guided through the basic aspects of brain structure and function.Osorio, D. July/August 1997. The evolution of arthropod nervous systems. American Scientist 85(3):244. Nervous systems of insects and crustaceans have common features.Rome, L. C. July/August 1997. Testing a muscle's design. American Scientist 85(4):356. Muscular systems adapt to specific functions, such as the specialized muscles found in frogs.Sack, R. L. September/October 1998. Melatonin. Science & Medicine 5(5): 8. Certain mood and sleep disorders can be managed with melatonin treatments. Schwartz, W. J. May/June 1996. Internal timekeeping. Science & Medicine 3(3):44. Article discusses circadian rhythm mechanisms, new insights into brain organization and consciousness. Swerdlow, J. L. June 1995. The brain. National Geographic 187(6):2. New research leads to treatments for many age-old disorders.Synder, S. H. 1996. Drugs and the brain. New York: Scientific American Library. How drugs affect brain function is clearly explained.Thomas, E. D. September/October 1995. Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Scientific American Science & Medicine 2(5):38. Article discusses reconstituting marrow from cultured stem cells for bone marrow transplants. White, R. J. September 1998. Weightlessness and the human body. Scientific American 279(3):58. Space medicine is providing new ideas about treatment of osteoporosis and anemia. Wolkomir, R. August 1998. Oh, my aching back. Smithsonian 29(5):36. Researchers try to locate the source of back pain using a Virtual Corset to monitor the subject's activities.Youdim, M. B., and Riederer, P. January 1997. Understanding Parkinson's disease. Scientific American 276(1):52. The tremors and immobility of Parkinson's disease can be traced to damage in a part of the brain that regulates movement.
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