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Thinking Scientifically
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1. Considering skeletal bones:
a. What evidence do you have that bone is living tissue?


b. Why would you expect persons with stronger muscles to have stronger bones?


c. Bones have all sorts of grooves and protuberances. What purpose might they have?


d. The female pelvis is wider than the male pelvis. With what might this be associated?


2. A muscle fiber obeys the all-or-none law-that is, it contracts or it doesn't contract.
a. Therefore, do all myofibrils in a muscle fiber contract at the same time?


b. When a sarcomere contracts, does the Z line move? If so, in which direction?


c. A respiratory pigment in muscle called myoglobin receives oxygen (O2) from hemoglobin. Which of these two respiratory pigments has the higher affinity for oxygen?


d. When we exercise, blood brings more oxygen to the muscles. What do the muscles specifically do with all this oxygen?


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