Alcamo, I. E. 1997. AIDS: The biological basis. 2d ed. Dubuque, Iowa: Wm. C. Brown Publishers. This easily understood book focuses on the biology of AIDS.Alexander, N. J. March/April 1996. Barriers to sexually transmitted diseases. Scientific AmericanScience & Medicine 3(2):32. Article discusses the effectiveness of certain contraceptives in protecting women against STDs.Berns, M. W. April 1998. Laser scissors and tweezers. Scientific American 278(62):4. New laser techniques allow manipulation of chromosomes and other structures inside cells. Blaser, M. J. February 1996. The bacteria behind ulcers. Scientific American 274(2):104. Acid-loving pathogens are linked to stomach ulcers and stomach cancer. Borek, C. November/December 1997. Antioxidants and cancer. Science & Medicine 4(6):52. The importance of supplemental antioxidant vitamins depends on factors such as diet and life-style. Cox, F. D. 1996. The AIDS booklet. 4th ed. Dubuque, Iowa: Brown & Benchmark Publishers. This easy to read, informative booklet covers the transmission, prevention, and treatment of AIDS. Crooks, R., and Baur, K. 1996. Our sexuality. 6th ed. Redwood City, Calif.: Benjamin/Cummings Publishing. Introduction to the biological, psychosocial, behavioral, and cultural aspects of sexuality.Curiel, T. September/October 1997. Gene therapy: AIDS-related malignancies. Science & Medicine 4(5):4. The field of AIDS-related gene therapies is advancing. Duke, R. C., et al. December 1996. Cell suicide in health and disease. Scientific American 275(6):80. Failures in the processes of cellular self-destruction may give rise to cancer, AIDS, Alzheimer disease, and some genetic diseases. Dusenbery, D. B. 1996. Life at small scale: The behavior of microbes. New York: Scientific American Library. This easy-to-read, well-illustrated text describes how microbes respond to the physical demands of their environment.Galili, U. September/October 1998. Anti-Gal antibody prevents xenotransplantation. Science & Medicine 5(5):28. Prevention of interaction of the anti-Gal antibody with pig cells is necessary to the progress of xenotransplantation.Garnick, M. B., and Fair, W. R. December 1998. Combating prostate cancer. Scientific American 279(6):74. Article details the recent developments in diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer. Glausiusz, J. May 1998. The great gene escape. Discover 19(5):90. Genes from genetically engineered plants can escape from crops into the wild, causing resistance in the wild plant.Goldberg, J. April 1998. A head full of hope. Discover 19(4):70. Article discusses a new gene therapy for killing brain cancer cells.Greider, C. W., and Blackburn, E. H. February 1996. Telomeres, telomerase, and cancer. Scientific American 274(2):92. The enzyme telomerase rebuilds the chromosomes of tumor cells; this enzyme is being researched as a target for anticancer treatments.Haseltine, W. A. March 1997. Discovering genes for new medicines. Scientific American 276(3):92. New medical products being developed are a result of recent genetic analyses of the human genome.Johnson, G. B. 1996. How scientists think. Dubuque, Iowa: Wm. C. Brown Publishers. Presents the rationale behind 21 important experiments in genetics and molecular biology that became the foundation for today's research.Jordan, V. C. October 1998. Designer estrogens. Scientific American 279(4):60. Selective estrogen receptor modulators may protect against breast and endometrial cancers, osteoporosis, and heart disease. Kher, U. January 1998. A man-made chromosome. Discover 18(1):40. Researchers announce a promising new gene carrier, a human artificial chromosome, for use in gene therapy.Leffell, D. J., and Brash, D. E. July 1996. Sunlight and skin cancer. Scientific American 275(1):52. Discusses the sequence of changes that may occur in skin cells after exposure to UV rays. Lyon, J., and Gorner, P. 1995. Altered fates: Gene therapy and the retooling of human life. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. The development of gene therapy, from the scientists to the patients and their families, is discussed.MacDonald, P. C., and Casey, M. L. March/April 1996. Preterm birth. Scientific American Science & Medicine 3(2):42. Article discusses the role of oxytocin, prostaglandins, and infections in the initiation of human labor.Mader, S. S. 1990. Human reproductive biology. 2d ed. Dubuque, Iowa: Wm. C. Brown Publishers. An introductory text covering human reproduction in a clear, easily understood manner.Markowitz, M. H. June 1998. A new dawn in AIDS treatments. Discover 19(6):S-6. A new combination therapy greatly reduces viral replication.Miller, R. V. January 1998. Bacterial gene swapping in nature. Scientific American 278(1):66. The study of the process of DNA exchange between bacteria can help limit the risks of releasing genetically engineered microbes into the environment. Moses, V., and Moses, S. 1995. Exploiting biotechnology. Chur, Switzerland: Harwood Academic Publishers. Provides a general understanding of biotechnology and presents its commercial and industrial applications. Nicolaou, K. C., et al. June 1996. Taxoids: New weapons against cancer. Scientific American 274(6):94. Chemists are synthesizing a family of drugs related to taxol for the treatment of cancer. Nielson, P. E. September/October 1998. Peptide nucleic acids. Science & Medicine 5(5):48. Peptide nucleic acids mimic DNA and can substitute for DNA in gene therapy.Nusslein-Volhard, C. August 1996. Gradients that organize embryo development. Scientific American 275(2):54. Nobel Prize-winning researcher describes how morphogens shape an evolving embryo.O’Brien, S. J., and Dean, M. September 1997. In search of AIDS-resistance genes. Scientific American 277(3):44. Study of genes that deter the AIDS virus may lead to prevention or treatment.O’Brochta, D. A., and Atkinson, P. W. December 1998. Building a better bug. Scientific American 279(6):90. Transgenic insect technology could decrease pesticide use, and prevent certain infectious diseases. Article discusses the production of a transgenic insect. Packer, C. July/August 1998. Why menopause? Natural History 107(6):24. Article addresses possible reasons why menopause occurs so early in life, compared to other aging processes.Pennisi, E. 13 November 1998. Training viruses to attack cancers. Science 282(5392):1244. Certain viruses can replicate in and kill cancer cells, but leave normal tissue intact.Perera, F. P. May 1996. Uncovering new clues to cancer risk. Scientific American 274(5):54. Molecular epidemiology finds biological markers that explain what makes people susceptible to cancer. Plomerin, R., and DeFries, J. C. May 1998. The genetics of cognitive abilities and disabilities. Scientific American 278(5):62. The search is underway for the genes involved in cognitive abilities and disabilities, including dyslexia. Pool, R. May 1998. Saviors. Discover 19(5):52. Genetic engineering may make animal organs compatible for human transplants.Ricklefs, R. E., and Finch, C. E. 1995. Aging: A natural history. New York: Scientific American Library. This text emphasizes the nature of aging and the mechanisms of physiological deterioration. Ronald, P. C. November 1997. Making rice disease-resistant. Scientific American 277(5):100. Genetic engineering is being used to protect rice from disease. Ross, I. K. 1995. Aging of cells, humans and societies. Dubuque, Iowa: Wm. C. Brown Publishers. Presents current concepts on aging.Russell, P. J. 1996. Genetics. 4th ed. New York: HarperCollins College Publishers. This easy-to-read text emphasizes an inquiry-based approach to genetics, exploring many experiments that led to important genetic advances.Science & Medicine. March/April 1998. Special report: Dynamics of HIV infection. HIV-1 may use a variety of coreceptors to gain entry into cells. Scientific American editors. June 1997. Special report: Making gene therapy work. 276(6):95. Obstacles must be overcome before gene therapy is ready for widespread use. Scientific American. July 1998. Defeating AIDS: What will it take? 279(1):81. Nine separate articles address AIDS problems and issues.Scientific American Special Issue. September 1996. What you need to know about cancer. 275(3). The entire issue is devoted to the causes, prevention, and early detection of cancer, and cancer therapies—conventional and future.Shcherbak, Y. M. April 1996. Ten years of the Chernobyl Era. Scientific American 274(4):44. Article discusses the medical aftermath of the accident. Stix, G. October 1997. Growing a new field. Scientific American 277(4):15. Tissue engineers try to grow organs in the laboratory. Stolley, P. D., and Lasky, T. 1995. Investigating disease patterns: The science of epidemiology. New York: Scientific American Library. The process of epidemiology and its contribution to the understanding of disease is covered in this interesting, easy-to-read book. Van Noorden, C. J. F., et al. March/April 1998. Metastasis. American Scientist 86(2):130. The mechanisms by which cancer cells metastasize are discussed.Velander, W. H., et al. January 1997. Transgenic livestock as drug factories. Scientific American 276(1):70. Farm animals can be bred to produce quantities of medicinal proteins in their milk.Wallace, D. C. August 1997. Mitochondrial DNA in aging and disease. Scientific American 277(2):40. Genes in mitochondria have been linked to certain diseases, and could also be important in age-related disorders. Weindruch, R. January 1996. Caloric restriction and aging. Scientific American 274(1):64. Consuming fewer calories may increase longevity. Weiss, R. November 1997. Aging - new answers to old questions. National Geographic 192(5):2. The mechanics of human aging are studied. Wills, C. January 1998. A sheep in sheep's clothing? Discover 18(1):22. Some pros and cons of cloning are discussed.Wilmut, I. December 1998. Cloning for medicine. Scientific American 279(6):58. Cloning holds many benefits for the advancement of medical science and animal husbandry. Winkonkal, N. M., and Brash, D. E. September/October 1998. Squamous cell carcinoma. Science & Medicine 5(5):18. Mutations of tumor-suppressor gene p53 are commonly found in squamous cell carcinomas.Wolffe, A. P. November/December 1995. Genetic effects of DNA packaging. Scientific American Science & Medicine 2(6):68. The regulation of DNA coiling in the chromosomes adds to the properties of the genes involved in several genetic diseases. Zhong, G., and Brunham, G. C. September/October 1998. Chlamydial resistance to host defense. Science & Medicine 5(5):38. Chlamydia may produce anti-apoptosis factors.Zimmer, C. January 1998. Hidden unity. Discover 18(1):46. Studies suggest the same basic gene may be involved in the development of certain features in vertebrates and invertebrates.
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