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28.1 Viruses
Viruses are noncellular. Viruses do reproduce, but may live inside living cells.
Viruses are obligate intracellular parasites because they must reproduce inside host cells. | 1. Describe the structure of a typical virus. Answer 2. What type of particle causes mad cow disease, and what is its structure? Answer | Essential Study Partner Characteristics Life CyclesArt Quiz Maintaining PrionsGeneral Biology Weblinks Microbiology |
28.2 The Prokaryotes
Prokaryotes, the archaea and bacteria, lack a nucleus and most other cytoplasmic organelles found in eukaryotic cells.
Prokaryotes reproduce asexually by binary fission. Genetic exchange does occur among bacteria.
Most prokaryotes are heterotrophic by absorption but some are autotrophic, being either photosynthetic or chemosynthetic.
3. Describe the basic structure of a prokaryote. Answer4. What is the primary difference between photosynthetic autotrophs and chemosynthetic autotrophs? Answer | Essential Study Partner Characteristics DiversityArt Quiz Griffith's Experiment of Transformation |
28.3 Kingdom Protista
The protists include eukaryotic unicellular organisms and some related multicellular forms.
Among protists, algae are the plantlike protists; protozoans are the animal-like protists; slime molds and water molds are the funguslike protists.
| 5. What three life cycles are present among different protists? Answer6. List the major groups of protozoans. Answer | Essential Study Partner Characteristics Protozoa Photosynthetic Fungus-likeArt Quiz Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium Life Cycle of Chlamydomonas |
28.4 Kingdom Fungi
Fungi are multicellular eukaryotes with a filamentous body.
Fungi are the most complex organisms to rely on saprotrophic nutrition.
| 7. Characterize the fungi. Answer8. What are lichens? Answer | Essential Study Partner Characteristics DiversityArt Quiz Life Cycle of Rhizopus |