Armbruster, P., and Hessberger, F. P. September 1998. Making new elements. Scientific American 279(3):72. The process of creating new artificial elements is examined.
Bayley, H. September 1997. Building doors into cells. Scientific American 277(3):62. Protein engineers are designing artificial pores for drug delivery.
Becker, W. M., and Deamer, D. W. 1996. The world of the cell. 3d ed. Redwood City, Calif.: Benjamin/Cummings Publishing. Presents an overview of cell biology.
Caret, R. L., et al. 1997. Principles and applications of organic and biological chemistry. 2d ed. Dubuque, Iowa: Wm. C. Brown Publishers. For undergraduates in the allied health fields, this text emphasizes material unique to health-related studies.
Chang, R. 1998. Chemistry. 6th ed. Dubuque, Iowa: McGraw-Hill. This general chemistry text provides a foundation in chemical concepts and principles, and presents topics clearly.
Chapman, C. 1999. Basic chemistry for biology. 2d ed. WCB/McGraw-Hill. The goal of this workbook is to provide a review of basic principles for biology students.
Ford, B. J. April 1998. The earliest views. Scientific American 278(4):50. Presents experiments of early microscopists.
Frank, J. September/October 1998. How the ribosome works. American Scientist 86(5):428. New imaging techniques using cryo-electron microscopy allows researchers to study a three-dimensional map of the ribosome.
Gerstein, M., and Levitt, M. November 1998. Simulating water and the molecules of life. Scientific American 279(5):100. Computer models show how water affects the structure and movement of proteins and other biological molecules.
Ingber, D. E. January 1998. The architecture of life. Scientific American 278(1):48. Simple mechanical rules may govern cell movements, tissue organization, and organ development.
Lang, F., and Waldegger, S. September/October1997. Regulating cell volume. American Scientist 85(5):456. Changes in cell volume may threaten organ or tissue function.
Lasic, D. D. May/June 1996. Liposomes. Science & Medicine 3(3):34. Liposomes can deliver genes or drugs for gene therapy.
Nemecek, S. October 1997. Gotta know when to fold 'em. Scientific American 277(4):28. Details about how proteins fold are discussed.
Nurse, P., et al. October 1998. Understanding the cell cycle. Nature Medicine 4(1):1103. Gives the relevance of cell-cycle research.
Ojcius, D. M., et al. January/February 1998. Pore-forming proteins. Science & Medicine 5(1):44. Peptide molecules that cause pore formation in membranes are similar in structure and function.
Scerri, E. R. November/December 1997. The periodic table and the electron. American Scientist 85(6):546. Electron configurations may only give an approximate explanation of the periodic table.
Scerri, E. R. September 1998. The evolution of the periodic system. Scientific American 279(3):78. Article discusses the history and evolution of the periodic table.
Schwartz, A. T., et al. 1997. Chemistry in context: Applying chemistry to society. 2d ed. Dubuque, Iowa: Wm. C. Brown Publishers. This introductory text is designed for students in the allied health fields.
Sperelakis, N., editor. 1998. Cell physiology source book. 2d ed. San Diego: Academic Press. For advanced biology students, this is a comprehensive and authoritative text covering topics in cell physiology written by experts in the field.
Stix, G. October 1997. Growing a new field. Scientific American 277(4):15. Tissue engineers try to grow organs in the laboratory.
Zubay, G. L. 1998. Biochemistry. 4th ed. Dubuque, Iowa: Wm. C. Brown Publishers. This text for chemistry majors relates biochemistry to cell biology, physiology, and genetics.
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