Bavendam, F. July 1998. Lure of the frogfish. National Geographic 194(1):40. Use of camouflaging coloration to obtain prey.Begon, M., et al. 1996. Ecology: Individuals, populations, and communities. London: Blackwell Science Ltd. The distribution and abundance of organisms and their physcial and chemical interactions within ecosystems is discussed.Bennet-Clark, H. C. May 1998. How cicadas make their noise. Scientific American 278(5):58. This 2.3-inch-long insect can produce mating calls at 100 decibels.Boyd, C. E., and Clay, J. W. June 1998. Shrimp aquaculture and the environment. Scientific American 278(6):58. Building shrimp ponds for shrimp farming can result in destructive flooding.Cunningham, W. P., and Saigo, B. W. 1997. Environmental science: A global concern. Dubuque, Iowa: Wm. C. Brown Publishers. Provides scientific principles plus insights into the social, political, and economic systems impacting the environment.Dobson, A. P. 1996. Conservation and biodiversity. New York: Scientific American Library. Discusses the value of biodiversity; describes endangered species management. Dugatkin, L. A., and Godin, J. J. April 1998. How females choose their mates. Scientific American 278(4):56. Female choice is studied in relation to a number of fish and bird species. Fox, G. 1997. Conservation ecology. 2d ed. Dubuque, Iowa: Wm. C. Brown Publishers. Discusses the nature of the biosphere, the threats to its integrity, and ecologically sound responses.Gorman, J. January 1998. They saw it coming. Discover 18(1):82. Article discusses how El Niño was forecast. Hedin, L. O., and Likens, G. E. December 1996. Atmospheric dust and acid rain. Scientific American 274(6):88. Despite pollution reduction, acid rain continues to be a problem. Kovacs, K. March 1997. Bearded seals. National Geographic 191(3):124. This article describes a behavioral study of bearded seals in their natural environment.Long, M. E. April 1998. The vanishing prairie dog. National Geographic 193(4):116. Prairie dogs and their ecosystems are disappearing from the American West. McClintock, J. B., and Baker, B. J. May/June 1998. Chemical ecology in Antarctic seas. American Scientist 86(3):254. Sessile benthic dwellers of polar seas use chemical defenses to ward off predators.Miller, G. T. 1996. Living in the environment. 9th ed. Belmont, Calif.: Wadsworth Publishers. This introductory environmental science text discusses how the environment is being abused, and what can be done to protect it.Mitchell, J. G. February 1996. Our polluted runoff. National Geographic 189(2):106. 80% of U.S. water pollution is due to land runoff not resulting from industrial sources. Morgan, M., et al. 1997. Environmental science: Managing biological and physical resources. Dubuque, Iowa: Wm. C. Brown Publishers. Written for the undergraduate, this book explains how various environmental issues are linked.National Geographic. October 1998. Millennium supplement: Population. Articles survey the needs of the worldwide population, and address issues such as birthrate, global food production, and migration.Natural History Magazine. July/August 1998. 107(6):3451. Articles address the preservation of Amazon rain forest diversity.Nemecek, S. August 1997. Frankly, my dear, I don’t want a dam. Scientific American 277(2):20. Discusses how dams affect biodiversity.Newman, E. 1997. Applied ecology. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications. Presents the role of biological science in environmental preservation.Nicol, S., and Allison, I. September/October 1997. The frozen skin of the southern ocean. American Scientist 85(5):426. Sea-ice and the organisms that occupy it interact with the ocean-atmosphere system in ways that may influence climate.Odum, E. 1997. A bridge between science and society. 3d ed. Sunderland, Mass.: Sinauer Associates. Introduces the principles of modern ecology as they relate to threats to the biosphere. Ostfeld, R. S. July/August 1997. The ecology of Lyme-disease risk. American Scientist 85(4):338. Article discusses the history of Lyme disease, its symptoms and diagnosis, and the life cycle of the deer tick.Pitelka, L. F., et al. September/October 1997. Plant migration and climate change. American Scientist 85(5):464. There may be a relationship between plant migration and climate change, as evidenced by the fossil record and computer models. Rice, R. E., et al. April 1997. Can sustainable management save tropical forests? Scientific American 276(4):44. The strategy of replacing harvested trees in rain forests often fails.Robinson, G. E. September/October 1998. From society to genes with the honey bee. American Scientist 86(5):456. The life stages of a honey bee are regulated by hormones, neurobiology, genes, and environment. Rutowski, R. L. July 1998. Mating strategies in butterflies. Scientific American 279(1):64. Visual attributes (colorful wing patterns) and chemical signals (pheromones) play important roles in butterfly mating. Schmidt, M. J. January 1996. Working elephants. Scientific American 274(1):82. In Asia, teams of elephants serve as an alternative to destructive logging equipment.Schoech, S. J. January/February 1998. Physiology of helping in Florida scrub jay. American Scientist 86(1):70. Birds, which help rear the offspring of others, apparently experience delayed reproduction due to hormonal effects.Scientific American Quarterly. Fall 1998. The oceans. Scientific American 9(3). This issue’s articles discuss the origins of earth's water, polar ice cap melting, weather, pollution and legal issues, aquaculture, mineral mining, and marine diversity.Simmons, L. M. August 1998. Indonesia's plague of fire. National Geographic 194(2):100. Slash-and-burn agricultural techniques result in air pollution and respiratory disease, as well as deforestation. Steiner, R. September/October 1998. Resurrection in the wind. International Wildlife 28(5):12. The short-tailed albatross is recovering from near-extinction. Suplee, C. May 1998. Unlocking the climate puzzle. National Geographic 193(5):38. Our use of fossil fuels may be altering the earth's natural warming and cooling cycles.
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