communication | the deliberate or accidental transfer of meaning
intrapersonal communication | communication with the self
interpersonal communication | the relationship level of communication
group communication | interaction with a limited number of persons
public communication | communication designed to inform or persuade audience members
mass communication | the transmission of messages which may be processed by gate keepers prior to being sent to large audiences via a channel of broad diffusion
online, or machine-assisted, communication | the building of relationships using computers and the Internet
essentials of communication | those components present during every communication event
senders | persons who formulate, encode, and transmit a message
receivers | persons who receive, decode, and interpret a message
message | the content of a communicative act
channels | a medium through which a message is sent
noise | anything that interferes with or distorts the ability to send and receive messages
context | the setting
feedback | information returned to a message source
positive feedback | a behavior enhancing response
negative feedback | a response that extinguishes behavior in progress
internal feedback | a response you give yourself
external feedback | a response from another
effect | the commmunication outcome
need for inclusion | the need for social contact
need for control | the need to feel we are capable and responsible
need for affection | the need to express & receive love
rejection | communication that rejects communication efforts
acceptance | willingness to receive and respond to a message
disqualification | communication that invalidates a message sent
the symptom as communication | the use of an excuse as a reason for not wanting to communicate
content level | the information or data level
relationship level | the level of interpretation
confirmation | acknowledgment and acceptance of another and his or her self view
rejection | communication that rejects another's self concept
disconfirmation | communication that shows a lack of interest in another person
digital | the word level of communication
analogic | the continuous stream of nonverbal cues
symmetrical interaction | a relationship in which the behavior of one person mirrors the behavior of another person
complementary interaction | communication in which interactants engage in opposite behavior
symmetrical escalation | a relationship in which individuals compete for control
rigid complementarity | a relationship characterized by fixed, unchanging roles
cyberspace | the digital world of computers and online communication